Who Can Actually Time Eggs?

I completed the game without timing, then collected all the starters/hatchlings on an ipad 1 then got an ipad 4 and so learned how to do it just to boost my collection, not for PvP…

I got a S barricadus and a S Angelon in less than 2 weeks (I mean I started the game 2 weeks ago and I already got them). Probably huge luck on my rank S Levy (1rst encounter when I was a noob and I captured it because I liked it. I didn’t know it was rare / strong)  and rank A Cherub (like 30-50 cherubs before getting a rank A. So I farmed it a bit). And class S Blockadus is easy to get. Class A Metallo was the worst farm of my life. Farming cave is way longer than farming a single spot…

Anyway, I don’t have any Gremknight. Is it good? I never heard of him… =)

It’s good for pvp not single player