Which monster do you want to see Buffed 🥳

You didn’t get the pun


I have an idea for torazou
Defensive Mode —> Spirit Absorber (everytime a teammate/friendly monster dies,this monster gains a kill


Really good suggestion!

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mojignis is a well balanced monster tbh and maybe its too soon to argue about it, but i believe he needs a little push on is trial of bonds move, by how much time,efort and potions it requires it should be a 70tu move (change my mind)
a litlle speed buff would be also nice

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Call me Devour Charge, because my аss Burnsalot :speaking_head::fire:


Tell me, do you ever see Jag outside Haze FLs? I doubt. Also, Haze’s tu should go back to normal like it was


adding akane to the buff list (i dont have her) its just sad to see the powerslash being useless


Its acctuly piercing blow being useless now :joy: she was buffed a wile ago

I love her but she is not very playable in pvp maybe with woolala tho!

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oh i didnt know lol shes such a forgotten mythic, maybe if throw all damage was increased shed be more viable

What people say:

What they actually want to happen:

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I have her awakend and i use her in my pve Nova Aoe team for low to medium buff as it just works out there

And her new retreat getting a 10 second daunt every time she retreats is a great way to just push for another turn against AI

But the effect is limited in PvP

Revitalize Satomi and make Secret Destroyer into Anti-Secret :upside_down_face:. Right now it is far from being a Destroyer, just a gentle taps with this skill.


Awakened Satomi should be changed to Bloodfury and given Bloodbite. Or give him a buff to his attack stats since many times the Secret Destroyer doesn’t kill (I support the idea of ​​giving him Anti-Secret)

Another one who should receive a buff is Fiona, the shield skill should have fewer seconds

Secret Destroyer and does’t destroy anything.

Unlimited Anti-secret for 51 TU? That sounds op tbh

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Or apply stealth, to nicely synergise with the rest of the moveset and give a built-in way to undo to slow but only if Fiona gets another turn with the stealth still applied

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Noone said about making it 51tu. They are known from not keeping TU of the same skills between different monsters (look at Shield Backbite).

Actually, the buff for Satomi Anti-sercet has not changed much. Since the mythic cost increased, players are forced to turn off many sercet skills. her target is not so much anymore