What to do with finns???

I would like to know what items are worthy of my finns in whale’s treasure event shop.

  1. Is it worth buy gems and slowly collect 400 to buy 10x 10pack one day to get mythic???
  2. Is it worth use finns for ultra evolution ingredients like grailing and omegamid??? (if need em)
  3. Are mouth and pyramid ingredients worth of finns???
  4. I also see rare eggs, potions, ticket and XP books, what about these, worth???

Lets say i have 220 finns to use and im hero rank 22.

Bonus Q. Which one i should ultra evolve first, Aurodragon or Angelion??? (if i can evolve only one)

Do this


Mine shopping list is exactly similar. Make 6* ticket your priority btw.

  1. 10th pack guarenteed mythic is only available on newcomer eggs, it’s not possible to save 10 packs & hatch as a newcomer unless u r a p2w imo
  2. It is not a bad choice as a newcomer, but what @Tanbeer said is the go-to
    And Go for Angelion.

Big ty, didnt know that newcomer also disappears.
Rare gems in event shop makes more sense now.

I don’t even need anything here at whales treasure I’m too powerful my hero is at 299 so I’m just trading my Finns for xp book 36000

Legend pots, shop ticket, gems in that order

Ah your planning is just trash
My HR is 369 and this is what I do
I play whales and buy 20 gems from it.
After that I play Ch4 shadow mission which gives me 271 xp per tickets .
Since my ticket count at my level is 257.
So I get
257x271 = roughly around "69420"xp for one bar of refill
And now with that 20 gems I refill it 20 more times
So I finally get
69420x20 =“1,388,400” total xp.
It’s all about grind and some brain cell which u lack my dude .
Try to reach at my level .


Amazing man. No wonder why you’re the PvE expert around here. Your post exudes knowledge and wisdom


your name literally has FIN in it -
if anyone should know what to do with them…

lmao - me just realizing this thread was created just under a year ago and yet I’m answering the original message.


Yeah, let’s not necro threads please.