What quality of life improvements do you want?

That you’ll have to ask the devs

  • A counter for the pity counter
  • Romanoid to join his rock buddies in the exchange shop

Fix the poison tick

Fix the issue where we can’t trigger our own death revenges with backstab/cannibalize/etc

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That would enable even more canibalize-retribution frontlines with even more entrances.

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A real stats in test your team section and all monsters there being +9. You can’t accurately test anything against lineups with lower stats and +0 speed entrances :triumph: @Dev_VKC


I thought we were friends @Coltraz

Well, lets enable it and let me sleep and stun everything for 80tu with zibe or some ■■■■

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Ok we can be friends again

We are friends and he hate me so no, u can’t be friend with him

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@Coltraz and @Mr_Lokiiii

Who should I ally with if you two are mortal enemies?

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System of clans inside the game like clash of clans @Dev_VKC

I’m not going to try change ur mind, just pic ur fav

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At least 1 or 2 times in year shop limited mythics should came into special egg banner so the f2p players can get them or awaken them

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1-I would like you to translate the Divine Visitors event into Spanish, since it explains why there are waifus in the game and gives history to some waifus
2-I would like the puzzle event to return, it gave few gems but it was really fun
3-I would like the daily banner of the unlimited monsters to have a more beautiful design, that is, every time a mythical enters that also comes with an unlimited legendary (since there are many in the abandonment) and that the shape of the mythical changes , first way, second way, third way, a specific theme in the background would not be bad, something like this (this is just an example):

4-A chat in the game would not be so bad, the stickers to use in the chat could be obtained in BQ, Daily Missions or different events
5-I would like this event to return, since I wanted to know what will happen?

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Then it would stop being “Shop Only”


Make it so that if you want to change your name it costs a legend pot. There are too many people hiding behind fake names


Please no☠️

Love that,

or make it 30 day wait period before another change

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One more: When you’re close to running out of time (<10 secs), have the timer start flashing to catch your attention