What if there was no nerfs?

Not sure if it would beat TT or Poison tho

It wouldn’t outspeed Titan no. But everything else it will generally be quicker than. Low cost too

Definitely would be popular on account of only needing one egg exclusive

Cynthia and Kirina broken the sistem, and Bastia …Bastia = Inmortal Team

If nerfs never happened retrib would still be activated by throw which would be nuts given the current possibilities. Also 4on1 would still exist and insomnia wouldnt be a thing. Only a few sleep immunes. So it would be a permanent battle between sleep and poison. Stun would be irrelevant because sleep and poison would be able to shine in their old glory.

Tbh this would be the most interesting outcome. It would become clear that the strength of stun mainly results from it not getting nerfed as often as the other two main archetypes of the game.

I have a bigger problem with catmander then novemdomina tbh

That fits the other thread better my guy

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If Throw involves the sacrifice of an ally, this kind of makes sense…

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I think Rex and Canni would be powerful given the throw / retribution scenario. Bastia would shut down a lot of FLs people assume would be just as good as they were before.

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I don’t think that’d be the case. I exactly don’t know how the older meta was but I’ve seen that shocking entrance was 160 tu and bronzeshells didn’t have any passives. That’d surely have an impact on the meta

This would be a really fun idea for a special pvp rule :face_with_monocle:

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ye i agree. but would be too difficult to do i imagine. a lot of code would need to be messed with.

Gazer was beyond broken