what can you say about evolving my monsters? which is which

I’ve been playing for almost 6 days and yea luckily i rolled 3 legends which are don penguini, dark rider and Orcruiser.

so yea first of all is gunfish worth it to evolve? or the desperate all of darkrider, or… the stats and retreat of don penguini.


If you just started, do your last biter and let it carry you.

I would evolve darkrider. Gunfish evolves into warca who is good in an assisted water lineup and 400sec nova blast is good but only if can keep him alive. Don penguini is powerful enough without evolving him straight away. Desperate all is a great move so I would evolve dark rider first. My front 4 on my team is dark rider 2 give turners and a team turner. Life flip dark rider to red health then just keep using desperate all

ohh… so yea, hmm. it’s kinda, difficult to choose who i should evolve. i have 1 give turner and no team turner. i remember my one give. turner is i think ribbitoid? which monsters has it? and team. turners.

yes im thinking about. it too. he’s my first roll, and he helped me alot. Forgive me from the dots. i dont. wanna remove em, too much effort. my phone is annoyinh x. x

Seahowl has give turn and can be caught on cursed island dungeon. Clioseraph has it to and can be gotten from the six trials online mission. Can’t think of any others. Zephyrox and gearhound are team turners and there from eggs. Penguini is strong enough to carry you through the game without needing to ultra evolve. Last biters are probably best monsters in the game but there perfectly fine without ultra evolving and there are monsters that I would ultra before them. Darkrider def being one of them

tyvm for that info. ill keep that in mind

Darkrider would also be my choice, his upgrades are the best compared to the others

Won’t work in pvp

I’d upgrade Don Penguini… Yes darkrider gets arguably the best upgrades… though without the proper setup he can only use his desperate all one time before he goes down. maybe two if you get really lucky.

both of these monsters can carry you through the game I agree but only penguini can potentially help you win the ultimate challenges & other events. if Godfeather can help you through only but a single ultimate challenge event you can already get a second omegamid and still ultra evo darkrider after that anyway.

okayyy so ill be upgrading my horserider then :slight_smile:

so its a tie…, whutttttttt soooooo… which is better cuz i only need 2 pixies for horsey and 1 aeromid for penguini.

My choice is penguini, if you set lineup to support him with knockback. It will be ruined by a single stunbomb, and safer way is upgrading him first and get “independent” retreat.

I think you’ll find the aeromid a good bit harder to get than pixies

I also choose penguini

penguini have better. votes and he. kinda looks badass with his. chair. like a. boss

i have a badñ

i have a badluck. getting aeromids thoo… i have like 4. noxmids, 2 geo mids, and 2 luxmid… :frowning:

Honestly I think he looks awful lol, but I upgraded him first over Rexo, Necro and a few others. Probably wouldn’t have been able to evolve my others without him.

Honestly i got aeromid in first try pyramid, i find difficulty on farming other mid.
Fuuu this rng

haha i just like the way he sits and cig lol. so yea i decided. to evolve. my. handsome penguini since i got my first omegamid bc of him :3 but yea. what do you think of orcruiser? bc. i recently got him from special egg?

i wish i was you:'( i have like 2 desperate doublers (darkrider and. pegassiah) i only need (i think) godfeather. to finish. the stage. 5. of dark ruler’s return to get. another. omegamid

i tried to get aeromids 3x today using gems and still no aeromid!!! annoying!

I don’t have orcruiser, but I think he has assisted wave so with an assisted water line up he could be good, it depends if you have monsters to aid him, if not he’s probably not worth investing in?

mhm. It’s kinda hard though to let him live for 400 secs when dealing with an advanced team so currently i dont use him:/