Whale's Treasure Discussion

Wait dude take this

Use it ONLY for pog moments


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Whale’s treasure isn’t even going on right now.

Can someone help me by suggesting the best friend monster in each element? I only have eonarx and hanzwolf as legendaries currently.
I think carmilla and charbidya (idk spelling :') ) and good in their respective elements.

And which rewards should I aim for?
Thanks :slight_smile:

Whale’s treasure is a bit different from other events. Slow and tanky monsters do better because they can actually do what they’re designed to do. If you want something to carry the entire level for you, then my recommendations are:

Earth: Kuromasa/Brutalaxe and Carapasca. Both have piercing damage so they’ll be excellent.

Storm: Penguinator, XYZ. Peng can easily get 6 kills here due to link double retribution and slayerbane all. Storm has a lot of Chrono skills and passives so XYZ will rip through many teams.

Fire: Dragulus, Botan-Douji, Exocross. 1 shots everywhere and Botan is a crazy tank.

Water: Hazuki, Gyomurai, Kuraokami. These will shred through anything.

Holy: Voidress, Rhinedragon, Mechangelion. With Voidress you charge Bloodbath which is basically an automatic win button in this event. Rhine can kill something on any turn basically and Mechangelion will make your monsters unkillable.

Shadow: Carmilla, Delugazar, Revenarchion, Tenebris. Delugazar absolutely shreds in this event and the other ones are basically usual suspects for Shadow PvE teams.

With these you should be able to complete the event with ease but of course there are a lot more good options.

As for rewards. If you don’t have 500 gems, pick gems, 6 star ticket and Ocarinos.

If you have 500 gems, pick 6star ticket, Ocarinos, Alteramid (if there’s one, I think there is) and or legend potions depending on your priorities.

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It’s ‘Chlamydia’


Thankyou both of you, may this thread help others too :slight_smile:
And I’m not sure why but I keep refreshing Whale treasure event but I never get any special battle other than 1 finn one, I tried like 40 times

Get honghua from team mate and little strat, you can clear all even new player can

Depending on the element section you play, you need to use the same element, so you can benefit from the element buff.

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The last time the event came out I invested all the coins in gems because it didn’t reach 500. This time I’m giving priority to the legendary positions, I already bought one, I’m missing the other

It’s moves are SOLO :upside_down_face:
Otherwise, great post.

This is a guide I should really go back and finish off properly (or make a dedicated one for each event). Whale’s Treasure is at the bottom where it gives a bunch of useful tips including some thoughts on the rewards:

KD’s How to beat each event (+videos)

For the boss battles it’s possible to build specific teams for beating them, sometimes using monsters of a different element. For example, Aurodragon + death revenge or sleep lock or sleep + 400s novablast. For the standard battles I’d recommend just going with the best monsters you have for it and letting good friend monsters help you out.

As for the best friend monsters, there’s a lot which get the job done for the standard battles. Sometimes you get a nasty enemy team, but typically what you want to do is leave the enemies that aren’t buffed then tank you way through their attacks as you clear them out with stuff that’s hard to face. For example, Doomgoo does well in the fire area. Charybdia does well in the water area. Think tanking, piercing, cloning and stuff like that.


Whoops I forgot about that. People were telling me its restrictions were not really restrictions on the other threads :wink:

Swapped it to Hazuki

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Vixenblade is very good for all elements except water lol. I’m pretty sure it can one shot everything even with all the buffs.

Bryn is usable in all elements… ragna spam all the way

If you summon Moku as a friend monster once you have no monsters in your reinforcements, he’ll make up to 4 safe piercing kills with Mojimojiha Z, and maybe more with Mojimojiha, regardless of the element.

I always used him in Whales Treasure when I had lower hero rank.

Unfortunately nowadays my friends mainly share Carmilla, often my first page I see 4x Carmilla. So I also share Carmilla as a mythic for friend points. If I would choose by my feeling, I would share Aurodragon, because I always summon Aurodragon by myself.

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And Hanzo is also good for all elements except earth!

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Thankyou everyone especially exu and Chris thier detailed guide really helped :slightly_smiling_face:


tortogiest basically is a god monster in any element for whales.

Here’s a few of my suggestions

Water - Polaboss deserves a mention. Plume and Tardi are good tanks.

Storm - Penguinator, Doomgoo, Bundam

Holy - Excaliburdragon and Chronotitan are godmode.

Shadow - Ldiefieth, Lucifelle, Candy

Fire - can be tricky. usually Doomengine works.

Earth - Nagandia, Ammityrant, lowkey Rocolossus too. vinegazer gets it done solo lol.

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