Whales event

So, this event is pure grind. Even more than becoming #1 in pvp, which is already a huge grind achievement.

Let’s count the battles and rewards. So there are 6 elements, 4 levels and 1 boss on each one.

Here’s without master scavenger:

Each level has 10 battles, times 4 + 1 boss. Thats 41 battles. Already more than some events. 41 x 6 is insanely much!

The master scavenger cut a lot of battles off, but not enough. Now its 29 battles each element, thats 174 battles beating the whole event. (Not counting the extra battles) But the thing is, you can beat sotf in 150 battles and get all the rewards whale offers together. But in whales you have to pick… 660 finns are only able to buy few rewards. Leg pots + gems, or 3 rare gems, or 2 ocarinos… etc… Every other event is much more rewarding because of less grind and more rewards. Whales needs a change.


Tottaly agreed.
It’s a good event but the grind is super long & exhausting .

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PvP is also just a grind as well. But yeah this event sucks

Why do you only get 2 finns when you complete a fight, and why is the pricing so high for some things like the 3rd rare gem is 330 fins which means you need to complete 165 matches

I mean, just halve the number if battles, double the tickets and finns.

Easy, cut down on grind.

Personally I’d rather have the event and an opportunity to get UE mats rather than not