7 Star Ticket 500 Fin Whales Reward

@Dev_VKC what about making the 7 star tickets a 500 fin reward in Whales?

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Can we just make them useable first. I have 8

I thought they were already useable.

@DontPlayNeoAnymore was able to use one i believe

Show me the way

Nope he didnt use a 7* Ticket #fakenews :thinking::thinking::joy::joy:

Sp he hatched 4 scorpions then? Wow

I’m pretty sure he’s hatched like 7 or 8 scorpions now

Yes, way more than 3-4 scorpions​:joy::joy::joy:

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and he won’t share with me :disappointed:

Yea I’m sitting in 2 mythics atm. No shards. Could really do with some tickets

OMG LOL :scream:

no fin please. don’t make them a pve grind.

PVP Reward or something like okkult invitation

I know it’s retarded. I wanna max out other Mythic’s

Same please no pve, I barely play the grind events

I would rather have them

Although tbh would be nice if we could just reduce grind overall in total.

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I think so, it does not make sense to have those tickets and not use them

my guess is: I will first get the tickets than any mysthic :sob:

Awakening myths will not help you gain any power and they will all fall one by one

That aside I think they should be split up across events to be obtainable but at the same time not easily either skill or patience should net them

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I want them all awakened that’s my 2019 resolution

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Quite a different tone did you fall back in love with the devs