We need to talk about Zhulong.

No way let tenebris passive alone he is good as it is right now…

It’s a little to op no doubt about that it’s tu is way to low
We had legends nerfed for far less in the past as well
Slight increase in it’s stealth all move would fix it

:neutral_face: do all you guys do is cry like get better spend more money like the rest of us

I dont see why that is necessary a lot of people counter me when i use these 3 mons

and yeah that is true too getting the 3 of them took me a lot of time so just nerfing it would be very unfair

Same line of thought that people said about deathgazer.

If something needs a nerf, then it needs a nerf, despite what you spent on it. I know it’s not a popular opinion.

Having a stronger monster than the balance curve throws the whole thing off. Meaning then we have to rebalance the entire system, or accept that there will forever be useless monsters. Useless monsters throws off new spenders, so we can’t have that either.

The combo sticks around and is too hard to touch after the sneak attack all. So not only do you have basically a deodragon explosion, you don’t lose the tempo that deo does. This is the core of the issue. Either it needs a staying power nerf, or strategies need more time to deal with it.

I think he just need a slightly higher tu on his moves, and maybe a lower speed so it can be countered by more options. The options people were mentioning here before are very specific and i hate seeing the meta go into a very specific kind of setup just to counter stuff.

This strategy is hardly touchable after it gets going, and it get going pretty fast and easily.

lol I’m like the last person that applies too :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

a slight increase in stealth all from 50-70 wouldn’t hurt it at all

One on one fronts usually wreck Zhulong. Bunkerbeast. Black beast. Albakhan. Deo and TKs mess it up. There are plenty of counters. Just because you have to change up your frontline to handle something does not mean it’s overpowered.

alba is too slow, if there tene as 5th deo tk tk is useless ( you already to be desperate to run such a dumb fl ) and how bunker counter zhu fl hsi first load 130 sec.

Bunker with one on one, how everyone that uses him runs him. Alba is not too slow. I’ve run into at least 7 deo tk lines. Rng will take zhu to hg and get him killed before tene.

Alba is 59% while zhu is 67% so how is he fast enough? 

Albakhan is just SO meh. Without a protector or stealth he’s just a sack of potatoes. So naturally I haven’t been too terribly motivated to use mine. And yeah, also useless against zhu since he’ll be long dead before he can manage a stealthbane.

Then lets all use one on one.

Y’all are acting like there aren’t counters. I’m giving you examples of counters. what else do you want seagull


Only a few people have the complete combo and uou’re all crying

Why can’t we have a discussion without being socially derogatory?

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I’m gonna use a poison team if we ever play in a tournament. Just a heads up :+1:

Z19 GaryOak

zard is correct this is just a discussion. Also the idea that you paid don’t nerf is flawed I paid for a lot of combos that all got nerfed isn’t that unfair as well.

Owns me but it’s not op😉