Update 1.4.9 is on + Working on fixing online issue

Well there are huge bugs with this update…

I unlocked kamiwyrm SS, and now if i put him in my team i get a messege “invalid monster in your team”. If i remove him, messege gone and i can play.

Same here but with dolphoenix.

I think it implies to almost every new monster with Secret skill.

So Vince is the real name of you, VKC.

Is noxar the black beast people were talking about?
Or do we get a new monster with chapter 8.
Also when will chapter 8 appear?

Black beast was hiding in your backyard the whole time? Unlikely, he is just a new free legend.

I feel all the monster a pretty good now, except Prisma, bovo and dolph…

while dolph and prisma are better they aren’t really that great yet, especially prisma 

New legend is buggy. Translation says in German both assisted attacks hit 1 monster

That doesn’t make sense…

“Let’s buff Shadow, redo the change on the same day and let the players wait for another few month” - said no good dev ever…

I’m still happy that a great game like this is in hands of some retards.

Come on man its not that bad. Atleast they are trying and when they make mistakes they hand out gems as compensation

Finally strong catchable monters on islands and buff-needed legends get what they deserved. Nice update i’m surprised, VKC. Where is the medal “Dev of the year” for you? :wink:

I don’t mean to disrespect Dev VKC, but I hate it when people only give credit to the one guy they think did something. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t just Dev VKC but a whole team of devs behind the scenes that made this update. So thank you, devs (all of you)

Is it for limited time only? To catch new leg???.. Cos i couldnt catch em yet.

And when does cryo gets its secret skill? 2nd or ultra? I have one at 2nd,but has none

All SS unlocked at final form

And it aint for limited time as no dev said it does, but who knows if they gonna cancle it in the future.

Ok thanks. Gonna try for the new leg. Which i lose hope fast

Keep losing in PVP because my rivals quitted the game by some magic.

same thing has happened to me a bunch of times this pvp. It’s early in the battle and I attack , then I’m given a defeat

Lost 6 times in a row for this sudden defeat.

I’m sure they will fix the bugs in the next update.

Same thing has happened once to me as well. :stuck_out_tongue: Far as random defeat.

And the stupid shield is not removed after the poison made 1 dmg.