It’s very possible to get into the top 50 of UC without sleep.

Z19 GarciaOak

Hey devs, thanks for buffing UC more, nice move, now even warca and bazil blast don’t 1 hit on 200+ especially the monsters that resist them, and I can’t believe 4 kills bloodthirst not killing chronozeros on 200+ also, wow just wow, you just deprived me of getting 15 gk gems.

are you actually whining about UC having higher buffs? Did you know UC’s buffs used to be like double what they are now, right? Besides, you have no proof about it, and other people already brought proof to you that they are the same lol.
Traduccion: “devs give me gems please, UC is too hard for me”

OP provides no proof and is in clear denial, which is a result of UC frustration (we’ve all tried it). Z19 AdminOak can lock the thread.

In fact, since we overhauled UC balance and added more Gatekeepers 4-5 months ago, we never change its buff again.

Sometimes the fluctuation in damage may make you feel like the enemy monsters are more buffed.

Yeah its true Nevalstan uses no sleep and is 2nd in UC. So it is very possible.

Besides without any protectors :wink:

I want to try that set up, but i need auro and bolvo and couple of dr.

Its not a feeling, as what I said, the damages are diff, look up for reference.

VKC said.

Ah yes even better technique!

What reference? Do you have detailed documentation of the previous UC and this one for comparison? Saying that damage has decreased and then using your own unbacked statement as proof, is hardly going to convince anyone ;).

This thread is rediculous.

@xyzencross you made an observation to which an actual developer of the game responded to and said was false. Be at peace with this.

This thread will inevitably turn into a flame xyzencross thread. Locking this thread per forum policy.

Z19 AdminOak

He is not an admin or mod.

This thread will not becoming no flame xyzencross. If he think the monsters are buff than let him think so. He can have an opinion.

That’s not an opinion, it’s stating something false

The fact is you and the rest of your boys stay off of my boys. That’s :100::muscle:t5:

acting hard online again i see

So much drama over a game lol :joy:

Never acting hard just being me. Plus you know what I’m about so don’t start. You can’t kick me from the forum so u have no power on here :joy::joy:. Go hide somewhere for me.

Alright, this is the second thread in 2 days that’s gone off the rails, I think it’s time to put an end to it.