What do u think about new uc?

The uc Event was ever my favorite Event because im not good in PvP… But this was my Event :(, im feel a little sad because the difficult in the Event really but really UP a lot… We cant do NOTHING when baned and terror comes… I know they r Monsters from users team… But if u dont got atra,sleep team, gear,emeraldus we cant do nothing… ): well… I want the Last intelligence in events… Not another PvP system in my favorite events…

Smart enemys + SUPER MEGA BUFFED = dead x_x

What do u think?

I’m not having any problems. Ss + warca + stunbombs is working at 341. Haven’t lost a single fight.

UC doesnt changed from last one and to be honest i hope it remain like it is now, but AI become smarter and that makes it harder.i believe in hight levels will be a pain to deal with some teams…lets wait and see

Warca can one shot at that level??

Surprisingly, yes he can.

At 361 he barely doesn’t one shot drakozord Z.

He actually does more damage than megabomb.

my bazil does one shots at 320

Thats great +stealth all its really great on UC
I might try that later level 441atm

My bazilogon can win in 1 hit, but i really dont like how smart can be the enemys…

Intelligence or buff… Not two things :frowning:

I have a lot of friends who Last uc was do they best and with toxic team can up to 400/700 gk and now… 200/300 x_x

I’m having some luck using a FL of SS, Bitterbeast, Diredemon, and Frostrider.

Diredemon - Protect
Bitterbeast - Overwatch
Soulstealer - DSA
Frostrider - One-on-one the Switch Places with Serapheon.

I throw in Emeraldeus and a couple of sleepers too. Aurorodragon and Atrahasis hide behind a protector mid-game and I just keep on adding to my team.

There’s only been one battle I lost and that was against a poison team. I’m still working out the kinks but I’ve gotten further than I ever have before.

Hahaha u got the sleep/reborn team bro and thats very cool :frowning: if i would have atra i can do something more

I’m using a really powerful SS, lava, bitter, drakoZ fl.
my end game is 4 double death sentencers😂
I’m almost at 300.

U dont got problem in First gk but if u want 500+ u team cant do nothing )’:

well that was fun :slight_smile:


First 3 gk

Hahaha its beatifull to see the Zzz from enemy monsters heads :smiley:

The uc Event was ever my favorite Event because im not good in PvP… But this was my Event :(, im feel a little sad because the difficult in the Event really but really UP a lot… We cant do NOTHING when baned and terror comes… I know they r Monsters from users team… But if u dont got atra,sleep team, gear,emeraldus we cant do nothing… ): well… I want the Last intelligence in events… Not another PvP system in my favorite events…

Smart enemys + SUPER MEGA BUFFED = dead x_x

What do u think?

Git gud

I can say bye bye now to event se again, i am now at 91 (don’t laughing me, I’m doing it already) and i lose now only, can’t get lv 120 for omegamid and will NEVER get nectareon :(. Please make this event more possible for weaker players, yes i know it called UC but nor: “Only-Pro’s-with-best-sleep-teams-and-the-half-of-the-buffed-monsters-Ultimate-Challenge”. Where is the fairness for bad players? We are trying,fighting,winning but catched bad bad luck. I am at rank 62 now and i feel i would playing at the start, every time where i have success with anything ( monster evolved, got a gem, won a battle) the game take it away and show me how insane hard it is, so doesn’t makes if fun anymore.

Wing, do you have horrorclaw or cryptblade?

Propose a solution to the problem that makes it interesting for both older and newer players that doesn’t include segregating them then.

Events in general are suppose to be like that. The better the player (both strategies and monster pool) the farther he gets. UC is especially ment to be like that.
Dont worry, you will get stronger. I also missed my first 2 or 3 UC rewards (i think on 3rd i made it to rank 2997 or something, right on the edge lol).

I was waiting forever for my Aurorodragon and Atra to become useful. At one point I hatched three dupes of Atra in a previous special egg. Finally these two are decent and I’m loving Aurorodragon. I’m pretty much running a death sentence/revenge reborn team. Nebelronix is becoming useful now too.