UC is making me quit playing

this is absolutly unacceptable a 5 star monster hitting timestrike on a 2 stars monster and taking only 1/5 of the health,with 210 sec separating the two its unbelievable. i stopped playing for now cuz its too much to handle and i am still lvl 63 so i cant even imagen going forward because i a can’t plz fix this its waaay overpowered

UC is annoying. I will give you that.

The entire point of UC is to be annoying. The game will eventually gravitate more towards pvp as the was the entire vision of the game in the first place.

I’m stuck here at 241. Where a puffoxin has 6000 health and ultra____ one shots your stuff.

Uc is the best Event of the game in my opinion :wink:

please share your team

the best event makes a 6 star monster takes half of his heath bu a hit all move from a 4 star monster with almost half the legendary monster attack and defense

what an event

Got a spare rexo?

and by rexo you mean?

My sups. Couldn’t even handle a 1star mon.
Im like…wtf! It sucks, tryin to be in 3000 range,but it wont let me!

I suppose I have to agree, this event has seriously overstayed its welcome. It’s gotten even rougher lately, since people started picking up new monsters that rip our feeble strats apart, i.e. Banedragon, Robinator and Icefang, and it’s unmistakable that the buffs are far more oppresive than they used to be. I’ve been stuck at 140 for nearly three days now, and most of the time I can’t even come close to victory, and as I recall, in the fourth UC I easily plowed straight to the first GK with maybe a 20% success rate. PvE is just an absolute mess right now, they’ve been taking the buffing way too far in pretty much every single event, even the freaking Dungeon Challenge, where I was expecting a nice break from the brutally unfair fights since I already had to deal with being unable to heal between fights, but apparently not. The best solution I can think of is to just work on the AI, if not a complete rework then at least fix the most obvious shortcomings, like aoeing on sleeping enemies, or refusing to use team turn unless their allies’s TUs are ridiculously high. You’ve already granted it with the power to get rid of its shells, so it shouldn’t be too hard. If the AI can do a better job, then you don’t need to buff every enemy in sight in order to present a challenge. Or create some sort of horde event, where we fight ever growing queues of monsters instead of trudging through mons that don’t even feel anything when hit by Rexo’s fury. I think such an event would be much more strategy encouraging.

i am now at 1900 but can’t move ahead.the monsters are too op.i cant even last until the last 5 monsters

The up in difficulty is the point of the UC, the higher you go the tougher it is.

IMO it is still the best rewarding event considering you only have to get to Lvl 61 for all the Level Rewards (Except the Gatekeepers). And if you make it to top 3000 (Usually Lvl 81 is enough). You get a (usually) very good SE for your trouble. #DeathChicken

Not everyone is supposed to be at the Top in this event.

Like RoA Klumpi said it’s one of the best event in the game!

i tottaly get that but come on.a super epic monster with 4600 defense gets destroied by one hit from a 4 star with protect killer and at level 63 only. give me a break. a legendary monster gets destroyed with two (all) move from a 4 star monster with lower attack than the legendary and by a mile

as newer/less fortune player just try to stay in the top 3000 which is easy even without any legendary and don´t bother any further till later on.

this is my first UC I am actually trying to climb after quite some time of playing.

uc s*cks so much it rewards players who got sleep legendaries and shitt*s on players who dont 

indeed an event for dreamhunters only. i have emeraldus with bloodfury it won’t stand against two stars monsters

Get emeraldeus enough kills and you can get to 241.

i cant build a team around it.dont have TT needed

Emeralds can do some serious work in the Uc challenge. You just have to set him up right. His death mark is where it’s at not his blood fury

TT is not needed for emeraldeus. The idea behind emeraldeus teams is to kill with deathmark not bloodfury. Sleep the enemies use deathmark until they die

so sleep all with protect/purify and some sleepbombs with it!?

If you don’t have sleep legends then use stun. Lots of it.

I completely agree with you, it is beyond pathetic and ridiculous that the most rewarding event is also the most unfair event! What is the point of calling this Ultimate challenge? It doesn’t even deserve this name, I suggest call it either ‘Sleep lock challenge’ or ‘death revenge/sentence/mode mash challenge’ . And those who have legendary sleep monsters are completely happy with this.
Just stop this nonsense done beside the name of ‘Ultimate’ and start something which actually is challenging.

If that can’t be done then atleast redistribute the rewards specially the ranking one with events like PvP where a good strategy matter instead of total number of sleep monsters.

the last PvP had some sweet rewards.