Thoughts on Vixenblade (New Mythic)


She looks like Fenn fal from Evertale

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Finally a one on one mythic! and she is a furry waifu as opposed to a vulgar waifu. i suppose thats an improvement at least!

really strong…piercing bloodthirst…

Why are you always first to post -_-

81% thats just meh for actual meta its an other perfect target for prixis who will be more common
, also First i thought that her piercing moves depends only on yiur team but after reading well it depends also on oponent team , good luck finding an fl without zeibrus, fd iris or plume

She is a beast and beasts are very common now to run

As a OoO lover a OoO mythic has been what I wanted the whole time, however, as Kabylian pointed out: times have changed. OoO is almost unplayable and unfortunately this one won’t change too much. With Prixis and Nyx being around and common it will be very easy to protect yourself from OoO. Azida is also part of that problem. Also with solitary duelist you have to give up quite a few very important OoO so it’s questionable whether this one is worth all the gems over the existing OoO legends.

Yeah, with old Nyx this one would be fun in: Nyx Shielddragon Vixen Onyxia, but as for now, with fermata changes, this one will be hard to pull off. And isnt she alwo slower than other OoO like Oniblade and Stratu?

I dont know man.
This thing is without doubt s++.
Its not supposed to start with one o one rather it will use it for control in between.
I can see huge use in lot of teams. Not to mention it has very high speed alongside good atk and def.


What do you think you can do with it at first turn [if you run it in frontline]. You should not rely only on facing a bunch of hold ground enemies and no beasts to even kill with that SS

Yeah samn still didnt read well its bout type not element ,well this make her better i think , but still the speed is meh

You are trying to fit it to your current team…and on front line.
In reality it is def op with all its stat other than hp being better than most mythics. If you are running lot of humanoids its one of the best things we can run. All moves tu are very low so even if you dont get to use one move the next time there is very good chance you can use something courtesy of slayerbane. Not to mention you willnt need more than one kill for her to get going.
She is probably much easier to use than something like maeve with piercing alongside stat boost, say goodbye to all op previous mons. Not to mention you can even put mons to sleep in between letting you kill more than 4 mons in less than 200 tu systematically.


81 speed is meh alr :sweat_smile::wink:

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People these days can’t build teams with monsters below 100% speed what do you expect.


I am not, she does not fit into my setups and I don’t plan spending on her.
Just from my experience playing pvp, OoO is rarely seen outside the frontline and I don’t think she will change that.

I think she’s significantly better than people are thinking. She’s an alternative Hazuki/upgraded frost rider. She takes total control when used at the end of a team, can piercing kill and heal at 42tu, or just piercing kill at 51tu. OoO looks like a fail safe/control move for her, not a must. She strikes me as an endgame unit that can’t be ignored


You will see this mons being a rare exception.
It has possibly largest def in the game(maybe second to another mythic) high speed and low tu. Heck one could even setup bubdleblazer with her on field. This thing will bring one o one back into the game, mark my words. A mid game one o one.

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Carmilla laughing in the distance

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It’s always great to see split opinions on monsters like this!

Aero said almost exactly what I wanted to (with the rest of his post too). Vixenblade is Hazuki 2.0 with OoO as a backup that you can build around. She’s not for the front line but 81% speed makes her possible to play there with some restricted OoO setups.

I know people have different preferences on OoO and that’s fine. However, what should really sell this monster to people is it’s simply 81% HG and practically defence cap then first turn does 51TU piercing one-shot slayerbane and from there can piercing one-shot with bloodthirst or sometimes attack faster if the target has a kill, is sleeping or one time has HG. That alone honestly outclasses most mythics and should make people happy. The OoO is simply upside where it may reshape a battle.

What’s also crazy is the second form gets the +100% stats buff + piercing too. I think it should have a weaker version. For 11 cost that’s silly, when it also has the same moves and after two kills should be able to piercing one-shot with bloodshed, even faster than the awakened form.

So put simply, place this monster further back in your team and use it as a super tanky piercing sweeper. The building restriction is no water or beast monsters around it, you can also put sleep immunes or purify behind to anticipate sometimes using OoO if you like. It shouldn’t disappoint anyone when used like this.

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Nyx with Onyxia?