Thoughts on Nyx ( New Mythic)

I think everyone who plays neo knows what I mean, but I was wrong.

yes the word “one shot” for wraithost is not quite right because he has a passive Holdground. maybe it’s more correct if i use “dark bane from cattmander sometimes can’t make wraithost holdground”


Yeah, it’s a complicated one to understand so I’m not surprised people’s opinions are all over the place.

Nyx requires building around, which I’m very glad about because that means fewer people will use it. It’s super strong and if it was common I think everyone would realise how insane it can be.

@EMI_Eklypz A few things to consider:

  • Only a single kill is needed for the blood move, so she’s a good mid-game sweeper if you set up a crescendo kill for her first turn.
  • Fermata gets around stealth and is 100TU, as opposed to Fiona’s frozen wave+ which does +50% deceleration, doesn’t get around stealth and is 200TU.
  • It’s possible to make fermata one-sided by having a way to accelerate your team. E.g. Any of the fast SEs with accelerate team (FD Iris, Shieldragon,…) or something like Mantiferno.
  • Let’s say you use it with slow monsters… if your opponent has slow monsters too then no harm done. If your opponent has fast monsters then you fermata and even if those monsters kill yours there’s no way they can hold control so you’re able to take control and win with your mid-game, ignoring the enemies with high TU moves.

Basically, there are a bunch of ways to build around fermata that should be very strong in practice. OoO probably doesn’t even want to use it. Better there to accelerate team and go to town with crescendo, maybe having fermata as the backup plan to wreck the opponent’s team after they wake up / on Nyx’s way out.


I think Nyx is really good, you can do a kill on 42 TU and you already have her blood move ready to serve

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Unless you have some sort of Tu reduction in the start like Shieldragon, There is no hope of winning.

A +9 Jag had 270 something double retribution and 170 Haze. There is no comeback

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After playing some pvp and pve with her I can see how strong she can be in shadow link or paired with specific combos like Maeve with ap spam or any sleep/control setup to let her sweep at 31tu through the enemy team.




NOW she is OP - no idea why the devs buffed her.

Becuase she was introduced to make people play slower frontlines rather than 4x 80+ speed. But Shielddragon and F.D. Iris made it that you could still run anything under 91 speed with no problem.


I feel like it would’ve been better if it affect 1, 2, or maybe 3 moves before restoring the TUs back to normal, and being unable to be overridden. Having it permanent seems overly harsh considering that the lowest possible speed is 17%, vs the highest being 99%… I’m not going to take the time to count the amount above 50% vs below 50%, just seems rough to have one unit counter so much of the games units with such efffectiveness.


I agree I don’t like the design that it’s now not possible to counter.

However, the change is definitely a nerf. The chance the opponent had (and was able to use) accelerate team was quite low, but it was pretty easy to build around her with accelerate team (helped a bit by her having the move too). So now you have to play her with low speed monsters or a very restrictive setup (e.g. monsters you sendback/backstab).

The SS change is a really interesting one though… she’s become the highest speed sendback monster in the game. It’s also nice to see we finally have a monster to make Unicera viable (immediately sending her back in the FL after she uses true hit or raw payback killer).

Oh and did anyone realise sleep immunity + instant sendback is a bit silly with OoO? I guess not many will use it but oh wow I’ll be trying that out.

So overall she’s generally worse for most cases, but has some extra uses added.

I didn’t realize you also awakened her.

It’s a great change and that should’ve been done from the start. I tried various setups with her last season and people started to run a lot of Shielddragons and Maeve setups to be prepared for countering her unique move. Now finally it forces others to run something slower in fear of getting doubled at the start.

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