a new monster

I really think it is too powerful. . .

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Could you share the skills in english?

I mean if you could translate it for us

Pretty sure this is Ridley…

And if so, I MUST HAVE IT

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Looks like a mythic version of Nova

Double poison eater
poison gas +

Revive ss (kills itself to revive next in line with 8% chance insted of 13%)

Death revenge
mimic nova passive (has 13% chance to die each time it uses a move)


thank you

Wow sounds really OP

Thing is, it can die on it’s first move which makes it very rng reliant. Imagine poison gassing and it dies

True that but the chances are really small

There are gonna be those moments when it dies without doing anything useful, and the times it sweeps a whole team without dying

We’ll just have to wait and see what the 2nd form has to offer i think it will have poison gas instead of poison gas +, no SS obviously and no Death Revenge if this is the case would still be awsome and maybe the best 2nd form mythic so far

The second form could have like 20% chance to die each move


What is poison gas + ?

At first I failed to see how it could possibly sweep a whole team with a mediocre moveset like that but then I saw the TU values :sweat_smile:

77% of poisoning each monster

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What if the guy dies on his first move!!!???

Hahahahahahahahaah yeah the last thing we needed is a scorp + nova fusion the distance between P2W and F2P is going to keep growing


Maybe tomorrow we will see his performance in pvp.

Hmmmm… If it has 13% chance to die each move, the chance of him dying at his fifth turn is very close to 50% (49.8%)

(No, I’m not mentioning FBI crime statistics)