Team building help

Hey guys, I’ve been seeing a few topics here where the OP links their team and asks for general opinions on what teams to build out of what they have. I just made this topic so everyone who wants opinions about their team could just post here instead so we all know where to look. May the team building begin!

PS: Mods could alternatively perhaps create a separate section under the neo monsters subforum for team building, would actually be better.


Should put official in front other wise people would think this is just another person posting their own rateing thread . (Most of the time I don’t open rate/build my team threads)

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[spoiler] Your team has really good potential to have an assisted quake front line but that’s if you ultra evolve your gigarock into dragaia. If you do that you could have a front line with mossgolem, blastshell, shivo, and gigarock and go for an assisted quake or two and then use retreat (which dragaia will learn when ultra evolved, this is why you need to ultra evolve gigarock to make this work) so you can also use your dragaia later on with last bite. Mossgolem will be your tank + purifier + stun absorber and blastshell will be your survivor (and also will learn risky heal when you ultra evolve it which is amazing). Lastly, shivo will be your cleric with purify and heal all and will keep your front line healthy while dragaia does damage and blastshell gets survivor charged up.

If you can’t ultra evolve gigarock you can still use this front line I mentioned but then you’ll have to put don penguini as your last mon to serve as a last biter instead of gigarock since it doesn’t know the move retreat yet.

I also see you have a legendary dream hunter on your team but you unfortunately don’t have any good way to set up your dream hunter since you don’t have any sleep bombers. You do however have some sleep all mons but imo that’s not really a reliable method to set up your dream hunter so I would wait until I get a sleep bomber before trying to make a dream hunter team.

Another idea that came to my mind was making a front line consisting of a tank, a twin killer (like your typhonwyrm), a time striker (like luxknight), and a survivor which has purify (like pegahoof). This is a standard front line which has many advantages since your time striker will be safe from sleep killers as long as your tank is alive and your twin killer takes care of enemy sleepers/tanks, all of this while you charge up survivor on pegahoof.

There’s definitely many more options but those are what came to my mind so far. GL with your team building. [/spoiler]

[quote=“Ic3b0rn,post:4,topic:3682”] [spoiler]

Your team has really good potential to have an assisted quake front line but that’s if you ultra evolve your gigarock into dragaia. If you do that you could have a front line with mossgolem, blastshell, shivo, and gigarock and go for an assisted quake or two and then use retreat (which dragaia will learn when ultra evolved, this is why you need to ultra evolve gigarock to make this work) so you can also use your dragaia later on with last bite. Mossgolem will be your tank + purifier + stun absorber and blastshell will be your survivor (and also will learn risky heal when you ultra evolve it which is amazing). Lastly, shivo will be your cleric with purify and heal all and will keep your front line healthy while dragaia does damage and blastshell gets survivor charged up.
If you can’t ultra evolve gigarock you can still use this front line I mentioned but then you’ll have to put don penguini as your last mon to serve as a last biter instead of gigarock since it doesn’t know the move retreat yet.
I also see you have a legendary dream hunter on your team but you unfortunately don’t have any good way to set up your dream hunter since you don’t have any sleep bombers. You do however have some sleep all mons but imo that’s not really a reliable method to set up your dream hunter so I would wait until I get a sleep bomber before trying to make a dream hunter team.
Another idea that came to my mind was making a front line consisting of a tank, a twin killer (like your typhonwyrm), a time striker (like luxknight), and a survivor which has purify (like pegahoof). This is a standard front line which has many advantages since your time striker will be safe from sleep killers as long as your tank is alive and your twin killer takes care of enemy sleepers/tanks, all of this while you charge up survivor on pegahoof.
There’s definitely many more options but those are what came to my mind so far. GL with your team building.

[/spoiler] [/quote]

Do you have any ideas for a full team and thanks for your advice

It really depends on which front line you decide to build around, if you can let me know I can help you with that as well.

[spoiler]Your team would actually be really nice if you had some sort of poison setup but tiamad alone can put in a lot of work. I’d go with a tiamad front line along with a tank and stratosfear and either blitzheart or a time strike blood craver. Could also replace either strato or a time striker with a healer. Your only win conditions are by blood crave or poison eaters so you really need to make sure they are kept alive, tiamad also needs to be either front line or 5th or 6th at most since you need auto poisons to rack up. Keep tanks every 2 or 3 mons so you can make sure your sweepers are kept alive long enough to beat the enemy team along with clerics if you can so you can keep your cravers alive from recoil.

Also, seahowl is an extremely good mon since it has access to give turn with no drawbacks (its not vulnerable to either of the twin killers unlike most other mons who have give turn). If you get one of your sweepers going, you can give it double effectiveness by giving turns to that mon so they could crave/poison eat two times instead of once.[/spoiler]

Thanks a lot!  Though do you have any suggestions on prioritization for Ultra Evolution? So far I’ve been going based on who gets skills that are the most impactful (i.e. Timestrike for Blizzheart, Stunning Revenge for Spidel), but the choices are starting to become less clear. Of course all of them will get their turn eventually, but the process is slow.

I’d say definitely tiamad, after that one of your cravers (either snowja or volcaraptor) or if you need a better tank go for mossgolem.

Wouldn’t mind help with a decent poison and or stun team.

Been using the same stun team for the past month or so…

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I am fine with all since i have 4 team slots if u could

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Here’s my team and some other monsters I have, it does alright though I’m hoping to get some suggestions to maybe make it even better.
I start off by relying on hydrokaizer to deal heavy damage with its assisted wave, while darkstag protects and purifies. Once siegewhale goes down its poison revenge sets the stage for apophisking. Velowolf helps take care of protectors and sleepers, though it doesn’t deal huge damage. Ultimadrake stuns so Magmaraptor can get in a time strike to trigger its bloodcrave, and Giraverdant helps to protect it and pandochamp. If it survives long enough, Pandochamp blows up. After that I use Novatusk and Viridizaurus for last stand and desperate strike.

On the team (in order)

Off team

Hello all.

I’m trying to figure out my team.
This is what I have so far. Only spent 7€ on the game and don’t have many epics or above   -_- 

Hope any of you guys can (re)arrange my best monsters to make a good line-up. Any monsters I should _ remove/replace/still catch somewhere _?

Tips for continuing my journey are welcome too  :slight_smile:

I’m currently facing the last guy on Cursed Island and in online missions Chapter 2 (God ruins).

Third picture is my current line-up.

post-40756-0-32151400-1451485793_thumb.p post-40756-0-10397400-1451485794_thumb.p post-40756-0-81581400-1451485794_thumb.p



You have some great monsters for example Luxyrion has Twin knock back and unwanted friend those skill are great, I recomend you to use him in the start because the early you use unwanted friend the easier your battle will be, Unwanted friend will summon 3 bronzeshells on the enemy team at random location, if one of those shells get on battle just ignore it and dont kill it and you will be fighting an easy 3 vs 4, Now lets talk about knock back it is one of the best skills if an enemy has gain any critical skill you can just knock back him and he will lose it, also if there is an enemy that can counter your team or a tank that don’t let you attack important targets you can knock him back, even better you can send 2 monster to the back with Luxyrion.

Now getting on the team most of the time you will need to adapt it (depends on the mission or event that you are playing) but I can give you idea of combos that you can do, Rhynobrawl + Scorpionite + hellataur (or other monster with poison eater) you can use rhynobrawl poison gas and the use poison massacre (if you get 3 or more target with poison it will deal critical damage) then you can finish them with poison eater.

Ventokaizer has survivor and will deal crit damage if he is alive in battle for 300 sec you can use megalorex or any other monster with one on one skill to sleep 3 enemys and 3 allies and let the time pass (just don’t use this when the enemy’s have poison because they will wake up, if you have been poison it is a good idea to use it because your monsters will wake up) other option is to use sleepbomb you have sandpile with that skill, it is a good idea to have a monster with purify next in the line (team) to wake up your allies in case your monster get killed or you detonate the sleepboomb, if you dont have one you can try to farm the event one it has purify and heal all skills.

Other combos that i see is Santabeast + hadeberus use santa sacrifice summon and it will add 3 rockoids to the end of your team now you can use hadeberus trow to do critical damage and earn bloodcrave critical damage.

Spinorex and Astro leon you need to change their position, on battle they have to be there on the moment when the enemy release the tank, they both have protector killer.

also your starter monster try to keep him always on the last spot so you can use last stand (it is a great move)

other tip might be always try to have puffoxin and rynobrawl they will always give you 2 kills and if you are lucky with death roulette 4 kills.

The key in this game is to adapt your team to counter enemy team :slight_smile:

have fun!

Those are some good tips there :slight_smile:
I already used the poison combo and the knockback combo. 
The megalorex ‘one on one’ combo with survivor is a good idea too :slight_smile:
Santabeast and hadeberus is also great but will have to ultra evolve first :slight_smile:

  1. When should Spinorex and Astro come in exactly?

  2. Should I put in Thugfrog somewhere and how do I keep him alive for 400 seconds?

  3. How do I gain hero rank the fastest way? So I have more tickets to farm for ingredients :slight_smile:


Long list of replies but here it goes, I’ll do the team builders first:

[spoiler]You actually have almost the perfect setup for the best water front line (imo at least), the only thing you’re missing is cryokaiser but it’s fine. After they fix warca u can lead with the water serpent tank, poseidon (evolve it), leviazar, and warca. You want your tank to die off first so you get your 2 bombs ready meanwhile (warca’s novablast and poseidons bomb). Meanwhile your levi will be threatening the enemy team with poison massacre. You would want to bring in either the seaserpent so you can still have 4 water mons (so your warca does max assisted wave dmg) or another poison massacre mon like scorpio after your tank is down. You could continue pressuring the enemy with poison touches until you get your bombs ready then double boom and continue with bloodthirst.

Another good water front line you could use is your assisted wave mons. So hydrokaiser, subzerotops, warca, and either kami, shaknight, or freezenix as your fourth. You need freezenix evolved tho if you want this to work (so he gets protect). With the kami lineup you basically just spam assisted waves with 4 water mons and kami takes care of tanks/sleepers all of this while your novablast gets ready. If you choose sharknight you also have stun flash to support your other 3 front liners while charging up survivor. Finally, freezenix can help your front line with protect + death revenge so you get a guaranteed kill if they take him down plus you’ve been doing all that aoe damage in the meanwhile and also getting your novablast ready.[/spoiler]

Here’s my team and some other monsters I have, it does alright though I’m hoping to get some suggestions to maybe make it even better.
I start off by relying on hydrokaizer to deal heavy damage with its assisted wave, while darkstag protects and purifies. Once siegewhale goes down its poison revenge sets the stage for apophisking. Velowolf helps take care of protectors and sleepers, though it doesn’t deal huge damage. Ultimadrake stuns so Magmaraptor can get in a time strike to trigger its bloodcrave, and Giraverdant helps to protect it and pandochamp. If it survives long enough, Pandochamp blows up. After that I use Novatusk and Viridizaurus for last stand and desperate strike.

You have ultimadrake dude congrats! Imo evolve that guy asap and build a team around him with 2 tanks (your skyther and a protect focus like haloz, could also use the auto protecter for sleep bomb) and a cleric (shivo). Basically you want to stall for double survivor as long as possible and keep your ultimadragon from taking any damage while he’s waiting for double survivor.

For the team rates:

Rate my team plus any suggestions on team placement or changing monsters

Pretty good lineup, I like the front line especially since you have really good support for nightrider (you provided him with the things he lacks the most: a stun flash and a team turn for all those pesky stunners that wanna kill nightrider with stun + time stike). The only 2 things I could tell you is first off I’d switch the places of warca and the shocking entrance user so your stun actually provides support for your warca and gives him more time to charge up novablast. Second, I feel like your apollodrake is kinda just sitting there without purpose. You provided him with no support and he’s not really supporting anything either. I’d prolly move him earlier in your team like right before flarevryn so he could at least get support from warca or your hippo tank (if it’s still alive by that time). The way warca supports apollo is your enemy has to make a choice between targetting 2 really big threats: either get rid of warca or try to kill apollo. So they both support eachother in a way.

[spoiler]I’ll give you an example follow up for the first example I was talking about (the assisted quake front line with dragaia, definitely ultra evolve that thing asap):

I’d prolly bring either another cleric or a tank for the fifth mon depending on how you feel the match will go. What I mean is let’s say you expect your tank to be the first thing to die in your front line, in that case I’d place a tankfor my fifth mon to immediately replace the dead tank. If you expect something else to die first (for example shivo from using heal all), I’d place another cleric there on the fifth spot. Afterwards, I’d focus around your timestrikers and bloodcravers to sweep. So I would place one of your time strikers (like luxknight or snowja) and follow it up with that electric mon with team turn and bloodcrave for additional support. Afterwards another tank to support those 2 (you could also place the tank between them if you feel your previous tank is going to die sooner) and work from there.[/spoiler]

I’m going out of my mind trying to put my team together, I have a few different tactics I can use i.e I got a few poison eater, sleep bombers and dream hunt, a few tanks to throw in, bloodcravers and a survivor, I just can’t organise them to they’re best effectiveness

[spoiler]Here’s a few things you could do:

For your front line you have a few options: you could either go for a poison team with flamie and levi along with a tank and your mecharex or nightwing (so you support your poisoners with a tank and you take out other tanks/sleepers with twin killer) or you could build around pandochamp (bomber) with a tank, pando, a twin killer, and either flamie or a survivor/craver. The bad news is you can’t fully support a bomber since you have no healer so your pando will still be vulnerable to aoe but since all aoe moves have high time cost you can sort of remedy this by including a time striker in the front line if you choose to go for a bomb team (so mecharex/blitzheart might be better than nightwing for your bomb front line since they have time strike in addition to twin killer). What you should aim to do is to get your sweepers going by supporting them with twin killers, tanks, and time strikes and then sweep away. I’d also look for a cleric mon if I were you there are quite a few of them in the wild you could catch which also have very low cost (such as griffclaw and moji etc).

Edit: Just saw your griffclaw, my bad lol. You could use griff for the fourth mon in your bomb team if you chose to go for that.[/spoiler]

Made a few adjustments following your advice. What you think