Long list of replies but here it goes, I’ll do the team builders first:
[spoiler]You actually have almost the perfect setup for the best water front line (imo at least), the only thing you’re missing is cryokaiser but it’s fine. After they fix warca u can lead with the water serpent tank, poseidon (evolve it), leviazar, and warca. You want your tank to die off first so you get your 2 bombs ready meanwhile (warca’s novablast and poseidons bomb). Meanwhile your levi will be threatening the enemy team with poison massacre. You would want to bring in either the seaserpent so you can still have 4 water mons (so your warca does max assisted wave dmg) or another poison massacre mon like scorpio after your tank is down. You could continue pressuring the enemy with poison touches until you get your bombs ready then double boom and continue with bloodthirst.
Another good water front line you could use is your assisted wave mons. So hydrokaiser, subzerotops, warca, and either kami, shaknight, or freezenix as your fourth. You need freezenix evolved tho if you want this to work (so he gets protect). With the kami lineup you basically just spam assisted waves with 4 water mons and kami takes care of tanks/sleepers all of this while your novablast gets ready. If you choose sharknight you also have stun flash to support your other 3 front liners while charging up survivor. Finally, freezenix can help your front line with protect + death revenge so you get a guaranteed kill if they take him down plus you’ve been doing all that aoe damage in the meanwhile and also getting your novablast ready.[/spoiler]
Here’s my team and some other monsters I have, it does alright though I’m hoping to get some suggestions to maybe make it even better.
I start off by relying on hydrokaizer to deal heavy damage with its assisted wave, while darkstag protects and purifies. Once siegewhale goes down its poison revenge sets the stage for apophisking. Velowolf helps take care of protectors and sleepers, though it doesn’t deal huge damage. Ultimadrake stuns so Magmaraptor can get in a time strike to trigger its bloodcrave, and Giraverdant helps to protect it and pandochamp. If it survives long enough, Pandochamp blows up. After that I use Novatusk and Viridizaurus for last stand and desperate strike.
You have ultimadrake dude congrats! Imo evolve that guy asap and build a team around him with 2 tanks (your skyther and a protect focus like haloz, could also use the auto protecter for sleep bomb) and a cleric (shivo). Basically you want to stall for double survivor as long as possible and keep your ultimadragon from taking any damage while he’s waiting for double survivor.
For the team rates:
Rate my team plus any suggestions on team placement or changing monsters
Pretty good lineup, I like the front line especially since you have really good support for nightrider (you provided him with the things he lacks the most: a stun flash and a team turn for all those pesky stunners that wanna kill nightrider with stun + time stike). The only 2 things I could tell you is first off I’d switch the places of warca and the shocking entrance user so your stun actually provides support for your warca and gives him more time to charge up novablast. Second, I feel like your apollodrake is kinda just sitting there without purpose. You provided him with no support and he’s not really supporting anything either. I’d prolly move him earlier in your team like right before flarevryn so he could at least get support from warca or your hippo tank (if it’s still alive by that time). The way warca supports apollo is your enemy has to make a choice between targetting 2 really big threats: either get rid of warca or try to kill apollo. So they both support eachother in a way.
[spoiler]I’ll give you an example follow up for the first example I was talking about (the assisted quake front line with dragaia, definitely ultra evolve that thing asap):
I’d prolly bring either another cleric or a tank for the fifth mon depending on how you feel the match will go. What I mean is let’s say you expect your tank to be the first thing to die in your front line, in that case I’d place a tankfor my fifth mon to immediately replace the dead tank. If you expect something else to die first (for example shivo from using heal all), I’d place another cleric there on the fifth spot. Afterwards, I’d focus around your timestrikers and bloodcravers to sweep. So I would place one of your time strikers (like luxknight or snowja) and follow it up with that electric mon with team turn and bloodcrave for additional support. Afterwards another tank to support those 2 (you could also place the tank between them if you feel your previous tank is going to die sooner) and work from there.[/spoiler]