
I would like to see some sort of fire (burn) damage added to the game.
We already have stun, sleep, and poison effects why not fire?

P.s. I did steal this idea directly from Pokemon.

Also all the big tiddy mythics should only be able to be hit with Double Moves/AOE attacks since you’d be too distracted to attack them directly :wink:


All this time I wondered why nobody talked about it before😛
Well Evertale has it too.

Thanks! I don’t play Evertale so I didn’t know that it shouldn’t be too hard to implement in Neo then.

I think Fire could work like in Evertale if we are speaking about the transmission method (you get burnt by attacking or getting attacked by a burnt monster) but have some side effect, like:

• nullifying healing on the affected monster, but giving that monster a sort of “spike damage” everytime it gets attacked

• reducing ATK and DEF by a set percentage but quickening that monsters’ TUs (as opposed to Blizzard)

• just deal damage over time, that extinguishes faster than Poison but that can’t be overridden by Sleep, Stealth or Poison (can still be purified)

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I think this would be the best effect I would only add (increasing damage) over time.


I thought about bleeding, it could be good. Blood moves do twice the damage in a bleeding monster.

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If its in pve it’s good but PvP maybe halfcharged bloodthirst would be.

There are a ton of fire monsters who don’t look like they’d be poison monsters, I think they’d be perfect to launch Neo burn with


I’d prefer them to continue with more unique mechanics and archetypes like with Mortar and Mark.

Cough “Vulcaroth” Cough


I don’t think it should only be limited to fire monsters, I mean it’s possible to get a mean freezer burn lol

While I agree they should continue developing unique archetypes, Mark is currently a dead strategy and outside of Tricranium mortar is on life support.

The Devs said in the November update they wished to increase the number of Mark monsters… Since then, only Marrowdragon has been released.

That said, Flarevern, Vulcaroth and Keeperdragon should not be Poison monsters.

That’s why I never use it

Lol or throw

Throw/catapult should be like raw, give players incentive to run these slow awkward monsters @Dev_VKC