Strongest Moves

what do you all players think about 5 strongest move in this game (espescially in UC or PVP)… in my opinion (after get stuck in UC :lol: ):

  1. Last Bite

  2. Sudden Death

  3. Dreamhunt

  4. Bloodthirst

  5. Bloodfury

well, it’s just my opinion, maybe you all have another 5 strongest moves on your mind… fell free to share… :smiley:

:waitin’ for another event:

For UC, definitely nightmare’s grip.

Death mark is an amazing skill,if its baited with a good setup

Death roulette doesn’t avoid hg and I don’t rather DR and sudden death so strong as they are based on luck and can kill your monsters.
Mine are:
Nightmare grip
Death sentence/deathmark/auto DS
Bomb curse
Last bite (not for UC)


Backstab is only really powerful if it is paired with a blood move or an oppressive revenge move on the target.

Best for UC potent sleep of Goldtail, best for pvp Bloodcrave because you can charge it with one kill and killing your bloodcraver with right timing (thanks to recoil) can be really amazing to bring in stun at right timing or set up again for next kill streak. Well those are my preferences

I personally like Bloodcrave because of the lower TU. Makes the monster sweep a whole lot faster.

That too eheh didn’t mention it but it’s obviously really important :smiley:

Gotta disagree on pvp, terror’s poison massacre is definitely the best. Low TU, easy to set, high damage

Devs plz nerf sudden death. Too op

Poison touch is the best.

In my opinion very great is:

Double sleep (wraithcaptain)
Potent sleep
& bloodfury I really like that :smiley:

My top five moves are, based on the monsters I own:

Potent Sleep
Nightmare’s Grip
Give Turn
Last Bite (Not for UC though)

I think its the best, because its more versatile, death revenge, stun revenge, poison revenge, sleep revenge, and charged bloodfury

Potent sleep wins though, didnt think about that one

sudden death is a very good move, you die, he dies, she dies, or i die… :lol: :lol: :lol:

(i’m using it on FL though B) )

Sudden death is garbage.

Sacrifice revival. No need to explain that one.

In UC the strongest moves are anything that applies lethal damage, so death sentence, nightmares grip, death roulette, deathmatch mode and sleep to round it off.

For pvp Team turn is by far the best move in the game, followed quote far behind by double bloodcrave (revenarchion), rebirth (hellfox), poison massacre (terrordragon) and assassinate (leo / robin)

Question, if you use backstab on your own horrorclaw, will you get another geo?