St toga or whatever

So for a while st toga has bothered my because it does absolutely crazy damage for a support monster. Today I encountered a second form toga that did over 7k dmg to my second form plume. Yea he had the elem disadvantage, But given how tanky he is normally that’s absolutely crazy. Why is his damage so high?

Same reason as tricranium

What’s that?

why does it even matter? he´s bad

He’s a pain in the ■■■

what? he is 2x killing at 330 sec tu


The ss makes it really hard to stop. 2 cheap kills

for the price of an heavy deadweight afterwards

Yea. I’d rather he got a dmg nerf but as a result halved the tu of his moves (except the double charge). I’m pretty sure he 1 shots anything that’s not earth

Sounds to me like this particular case falls into the pointless rant category. It’s element disadvantage!

Now if second form Toga would be 1 shotting tanky Earth monsters such as Sloth or Arboribratus, then an adjustment to his damage would definitely be justifiable but 1 shotting a water monster is completely normal.


We can stop whining, this monster is useless enough if you do not have a good load set to accompany it, so leave it alone, I have it since its launch I have never used it It is true that he shoots two but then he will leave the game forever

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Don’t complaint about noob mons

Then it’s got 330TU before it can go again. It’s practically like it puts itself to sleep. Also, stealth mucks it up completely.

St. Togala is a perfectly balanced monster I think. Yeah it can have some quick (ish) aggression that’s hard to stop but they’re investing a lot to do it and it’s good to have a decent, high TU damage move on a monster that will be working as support most of the time. Support monsters that only have Ultrathunder feel really bad when the monsters they’re meant to be supporting are not working properly.

I consider him stronger than bane because at least you can kill bane easily enough. The swift charge time makes little difference, plus it heals him

These days a lot of monsters are stronger than Bane!

more like bane became trash


Lmao is this a real thread


lol what a strange comparison knowing that killer (orca)whale exists LOL

If this tópic was about that centipede "suposed"support monster with camouflage and how broken it is i could umderstand but about that koala just no :sweat_smile:

Thank you for the inspiration