Let’s talk about SS

Hey everybody. I want to talk about 1 sec SS. I feel they should be taken out of the game. I understand some monsters need them to be useable but i feel some monsters SS need to be change. They are to powerful. I would like to hear everybody input


Second wind should be 50 tu


In most cases they make absolute sense. The Devs have been open to slowing them down when they’ve been a problem so I think it’s easier to treat them case-by-case rather than a blanket “they should be taken out of the game”.

Which ones are a problem?


Second wind is definitely a problem. Nova and Poloboss already have a high tu

Jingledragon and Stratustrike for instance are perfect with the 1 sec Second Wind.

What comes to my mind is Glaciaron’s instant toxic killer… Imo that is way too powerful for a monster with such speed.


Rebirth and stun blitz…
Specially rebirth is too much if used nicely.

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Polaboss already heals from each attack. Honestly, second wind is quite weak on that. It’s only worth turning on if you’re building your team around Pola as a win condition.

Nova got its SS nerfed already to from the brink so it now gets countered very harshly by poison. I know the power level is very high but that’s a slightly different topic, it’s not a particular issue with a 1TU move.

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The SS that affects all monsters. Ex. Shield all. Instant purity. Instant stealth etc

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@Dane @Exu novo jingle and startus are examples of monsters that need to have that 1 sec it to be good. Same with valz. I feel 1sec SS that only affect one monster are fine.

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1TU SS were fine when it worked like a skip

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I’m happy they took that out the game. It was a dumb way to take control. But u r right though

I used to do this with Mechaviathan.

Genuinely curious. Do you just feel that specific ones should be removed/nerfed(Second Wind, Instant Toxic Killer, etc.) or do you feel like they should be removed altogether?

If it is the first option, I 100% agree. Certain abilities are too powerful to have no real tradeoff besides cost increase.

On the other hand, if you think the second option, then I disagree. Plenty of Instant Skills are perfectly harmless, like Bunkerbeast’s Instant Load Mortar(May not be the exact name), which has a TU restriction and doesn’t do anything unless you spend TU to use a different move, or instant purify, which only counters effect-based teams and is rarely a game changer anyway due to being a one use move used to counter a class of moves that are almost exclusively multi-use

Now this I definitely disagree with. Moves that are exclusively support are far from op. They are pretty situational and can often be countered. Sometimes, they even benefit the opponent if they have moves like Stealthbane.

This obviously isn’t universal. There are some Instant support moves that are clearly op. What I’m saying, though, is that the problem isn’t the ‘Instant’ tag OR the concept of multi-target support moves as a whole. The problem is more to do with the meta as a whole, and singling out the two most obvious factors of a select few moves to make a blanket statement about the game as a whole as well as those factors is very shortsighted.

I completely agree. I have no issue with instant SS that are built to counter a specific archetype or fix a problem for your team. They make battles far more back and forth, similar to how entrances swing battles and make things interesting.

Instant toxic killer on Glaciaron almost comes under that category too. However, the move becomes a way to instantly charge bloodfury even when it’s not killing a poison monster so it’s stepping over the line a little. When moves like this add too much power in the context of the rest of the moveset that’s where I think they could be slowed, because the cost of use is so little (+1-3 team cost).

I’ve already posted here a bit so will let others talk, but my opinion is that 1TU skills should be looked at on monsters individually. When it powers up the monster excessively or in an unintentional way then it’s worth considering slowing.

I know a big one you’re referring to here is F.D. Maeve’s instant shield all. It’s there to boost the power of the flutterdrakes to make the strategy more viable. I think it’s very necessary to be instant for the monster’s design. However, perhaps the smart change would be to make it only shield F.D. teammates? Maeve would probably need a buff to keep it strong enough, like maybe making the SS also buff their defence a little and perhaps attack too (I’m thinking 25% here).

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I think something like +25% defence and attack to all teamates, then also shield and 25% speed to FD allies could work. I personally don’t have the means to run this strategy myself, and I have yet to really encounter it in PvP, so I can’t really comment, but that does seem a bit op, and kinda veers away from the FD synergy

Remember when Bastia had double knockback that was 1 sec? Cynthia instant purity. Stop sleep poison and stealth. FD put a shield on all monsters for a sec. Y’all seriously don’t believe moves like that ain’t a problem? Neo Monsters is a control game and i shouldn’t lose it with a 1 tu move.


Fd mauve needs that tu hiked I agree @Yakuza

She the new rock lock. I didn’t know she has focus when a flutter on the field and the best flutter are blue-which a stun absorb that accel. Black-auto protect with GT. Yellow-stealth which help with the lock. She alone is becaming a problem

I’ll need some confirmation on that tbh. The number of Shield piercing moves and the number of non-APable moves makes it seem unlikely that a single monster could rival the near unstoppable powerhouse that is rock lock

Correction-four monsters