Spawn chances for rares and hatchlings?

I know the spawn rate for them is .5% and I heard that after 2000 encounters, you’re guaranteed one. Is this true? And also, do the 2000 encounters need to be consecutive, in the same spot, without closing the game? Or can multiple spot encounters accumulate? And does the percentage chance of the rare to spawn slowly raise, or just jump from .5% to 100% at 2000? Finally, does the rare spawn in the beginning 3 arks? Or can it be, for example, the last one? (Want to know for Nilos, there’s usually 6-7 arks that spawn in the spot I was farming unsuccessfully).

P.S. Finally, thought of this at the last moment, any tips for a new player? Just beat the game and have farmed quite a few rares. No hatchlings so far, but got snorkling as I was typing this!

It stays as .5% as you go through the farming

To be honest, as far as I’m aware of, no one has actually hit 2000 battles. So I can really answer the rest of the questions about the 2000 but I imagine it would be the same spots

And please rephrase your spawn about the beginning three arks?

We were told it was true. Not accumulate. That’s per spot.

It doesn’t raise.

“Finally, does the rare spawn in the beginning 3 arks? Or can it be, for example, the last one?” – Don’t understand this question.

Advice will be get all the hatchlings & evolve them & make them omega. Get all 8* above.

Don’t bother raising anything that doesn’t go to 7* (except chopper & some other ones that are very useful for pvp).

Lets say I’m farming for a rare ark, but this particular area spawns more than 3 arks per encounter (like the rare spawn next to Takran). As I’m using escape with metallodious, lets say 7 arks are spawning (three in battle and 4 waiting to come), could the rare possibly be the last ark in the bunch, or not one of the first three? Or do rarest always spawn in the first 3?

Sorry if this is confusing idk how to word it better :confused:

And what other non 8* arks are good for pvp? Ive heard I need to get plasmorexes and shadowlances for OM and ID

It’s possible

I’ve killed a few Nilos and metallos like that on accident because who pays attention to details?

Okay thanks! I just dont wanna escape from battles and have a Nilos get away from me because of it

In fact I’ve seen more rares being the last ark in the bunch…

So don’t escape until seeing them all.

Spawn rate is 0.5%, but you should see at least one hatchling around 200 attempts (we consider also that every fight usually spawn 3 monsters, so the spawn rate is in truth 1.5% for attempt).  More attempts you do, the chances to see one hatchling increase. (that’s obvious).

Most people also expect to find the hatchlings very fast,but dont be mistaken.Watch tv or work out or so,rthing while you do it,it sucks to sit in a chair for hours.It took me around 2-3 hours for my Omega,and I was INSANELY lucky.It should take that long,or longer for just one.

I actually never found Rexy or metallo until months after launch but I could the hatchlings and starters ASAP

hmm no. the chance doesn;t increase. It will still be 0.5% or with 3 spawns, 1.5%. It will be all RNG until the 2000th battle.

The chances to see one hatcling increase for every attempt. For 200 attemps you have like a 90% chance to see one hatcling. It’s like to say “flip a coin ten times, you should see head at least once.” However it’s never guaranteed.

The problem is that’s not the way how RNG works in games.

It’s like taking a box of 199 black & 1 white pebbles (200 in total). For first pull, you have 1/200 chance of getting white one. Now how RNG works in games is that whatever taken in the first pull is now put back to the box so the second pull, you will still have 1/200 chance of getting the white pebbles, instead of 1/199.

The spawn rate is always 1/200, that’s true. However the probability to get the white ball over the course of 200 attempts is around 60%. More tries you do, higher is the probability you’ll take the white ball.

No, Sniton. The probability remains 0.5% continuously. It never increases. It’s a static probability. It does not increase simply because you are there for a longer period of time.

While it may “seem” more likely that you have a higher chance simply because you’re there longer, the probability that you encounter said arkadion remains forever at the 0.5%. As your analogy went, the white ball is still 1/200. It’s put back after every draw, no matter what is taken out of the hat/bag/whatever. You will always have the same chance of seeing it, no matter how long you attempt.

Which is why the 2000-guarantee was put in place, because otherwise you could possibly never see a rare.

The spawn rate is always 0.5% for attempt, that’s true. However if you do like 200 attempts, the probability to see the white ball is around 60%. More attempts, you have better chances.

I repeat the coin example: You want to get head and we have a 50% chance for every attempt. However the probability to see head in 10 attempts is about like 99% and not 50%. I hope you get my point.

Alright, contest time

Someone prove static spawn rate

Someone prove increasing spawn rate

Whoever proved the other wrong gets a cookie

The thing is, no, in neither case do your chances increase of seeing the desired outcome. One is purely luck or a waited coin while the other is a random number generator. You will always have a 0.5% chance of seeing the outcome in HI. Just because you’re there for a longer period of time doesn’t drastically increase your odds of seeing an arkadion. While on average you should see a rare every 200, it’s not guaranteed due to the static nature of the probability.

I see what you’re trying to say, but your fundamental argument about probability is incorrect.

While on average you should see a rare every 200, it’s not guaranteed due to the static nature of the probability.

It’s never guaranteed, true. Your phrase was actually my point, I think you have misunderstood me.