Slayerbane all is broken

The link thing. Devs have been trying to make link as powerful as possible, and the link limitation is supposed to be what keeps it from being OP.

Sometimes it seems OP. But my only issue with link is that its probably the biggest advantage to pay to players as they likely have the most useful legends in that type.

But my man Lufy runs a link holy team and he is mostly F2P and just put in the time and has the skills to make it work.

I try running link teams and suck lol.

Dont hate Prismaryx please.
If not dev will give him hold ground

Wait, so you want to BUFF Penguinator?


Make him even close to prism and gyo. Whether that’s a buff to peng or a nerf to the other 2. It’s completely unreasonable

If anything happens, peng should get nerfed

Also, it’s not like you can smack gyo or prisma randomly in the last spot. You need to meet the link require, unlike peng, which you can just slap into any spot in your team

Nerf peng? You’ve gotta be taking the mick. And most players with gyo or prisms have a link section. It’s not that hard unless it’s your first legend

I think we’ve basically established that all three are good monsters. Right now Gyomurai is at the top of the game and the other two are very strong in teams. Someday Penguinator will get a secret skill (instant overwatch or instant stealthbane?) then there will be no need to ask any fixes to the imbalance between these three monsters.

I agree that link favours P2W players. I’ve been trying to test a couple of the holy monsters I have this PvP and, despite the fact I have 13 holy legendaries, it’s blindingly obvious that I’m missing particular ones which make link holy a viable team choice. You need particular monsters like Prisma for a link holy or Gyomurai for a link water so see these monsters not as OP monsters in their own right but as the very strong bits of one strategy.

EDIT: Meaning in no way to make Boneko look bad… maybe my link holy team isn’t as bad as I think it is. Just beat Boneko’s link holy team with mine :smiley: The Blitzdyr is one I stole from him with Soul Exchange. To be fair he didn’t have Dusicyon or Prisma so he was using similar quality holy legendaries to me.

Slayerbane all from gyo its soooo easy to pull off right now peng looks like a poor kid at is side
Im not kiding peng is crying in a corner
That thing shold have a 100sec restriction to be used cus link pffffff is that a restriction? Really?
Or lose 1 passive
It is OP
Same as the new tortouise cr*ap give it at least hg to give us a chance to avoid is OP passive

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Well I actually tested Emerald and its actually pretty good.

He fat controller laughed. You are wrong

Every monster with + 3300def will survive unless type disadvantage

Ya youre right. It is bad damage lol. KD explained to me in PM how I was right before.

So my correction stands corrected lol.

2, 3, then 1 kill SBA from peng in that order. 1 and 2 kills arent quite enough to guarantee the kill.

Slaybane all is fine

Link slayerbane requires you run link

It’s all Gucci mane

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Link teams can be constructed to make very good use of only a couple abilities. For instance, heavenswyrm completely counters oniblade 1 on 1 lineups.

I have link holy just for heavenswyrm SS.

What you’re showing there is one kill, two kills, one kill. It only counts them as extra if they are from different monsters. However, saying that, I think every other kill on the same monster adds to the counter. E.g. 3 kills with one = 2 kills split across two or 5 kills with one = 3 kills with one and 1-2 kills with another = 3 kills split across three. Don’t take my word on that for sure, I can’t remember and haven’t recently tested.

Pretty much the case but Emeraldeus’ double retribution will kill high speed (low health) monsters with 4000 defence too. It has a good chance to kill those anyway (chance drops as health increases from lowest amount). It’s a good move at 70TU and you only need one kill for bloodfury but it’s definitely not in the same overpowered league as other link moves like slayerbane all.

Yeah cus he is not a limited if he was im sure he did one shot everything and had is acelerate replaced by shield or something else good

@Exu @Woodward

Since it is a link move, its damage is great or better in that regard,
And you both kind of new players, and buffing Peng or nerfing prismaryx/ gyomurai is not happening.

Like a year ago, players used to complain how Peng endgame is just unfair, lot of calling out names & stuff, you can imagine how that would be,
Still Peng end game is considered by some a cheese move, call it what you like,
Peng is unfair. It does not require a buff. Period.

Prismaryx after being useless for mostly 2 years of neo, it’s finally become a great holy PvP legend,.
Gyomurai comes in same category, but given its speed & use, adding other water element monsters makes it very unique & deadly.

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Emerald is limited now. He got removed from the regular egg pool and rare egg

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Then I must hatch them :stuck_out_tongue: