Magmarinus and Gyomurai Link Slayerbane


I’m not a fan of the put the monster and don’t think strategies.

Imo the 100 second restriction should be after 1st move.
They just enter the ground and slayerbane all.

Yes, I know, Penguinator also can… but wait, there is a difference!
Penguinator has 35% speed so you have a little bit of time to react and that’s why is important to build around this monster.

Magmarinus has 75% speed so it’s almost mathematic.
Gyo has 63% speed and I found it still too high.

What do you think?

Actually you kinda need to put some thought into it first its link so you need to build around it second bringing four monsters at once is pretty dangerous, I once got stun locked just because I killed 2 monsters at the same time

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This is very true ^^^

Whoever decided to give link slayerbane all to magma clearly doesn’t play this game from.player’s perspective

Slayerbane All is a comeback move so it’s intended to work like that. Peng is restricted by speed while Magma, Gyo and Prisma are restricted by link. I think it’s quite fair how it is now. You just need to be careful when you bring one on the field. Skip a monster or two behind the enemy, then bring it in so you have 2 turns to deal with it. Plus doing a slayerbane all is risky as Tagosenshi pointed out

Personally I find the whole concept of multi-hit Slayerbane moves to be idiotic. Slayerbane All and Slayerbane Double should only deal damage to monsters with kills. I can excuse double killing moves but I draw the line at multi-target Slayerbane.

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I think that whatever you lose to obviously needs to be nerfed because it’s just so OP.

I want refund for nerfing magma

If you use it in a link fire it actually can be stronger than before.

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Thats the problem, its too restrictive. I don’t even have that many good fire mons

Please refrain to use this kind of reasoning, I never said is OP, nor I said I lost to this, I just found it so easy to use…
Then NME I know that you use it after Cani using a link fire of 4 stars…My point was not to nerf your strategy was just a constructive discussion.

Reality is that what Tagosenshi said makes sense but to put a fire link is not so complicated nowdays.
There is more, hold ground and overall stealth can avoid it…

The lore:
I was against this PvE team in the Mythic event, Magma enter and immediately do the link, my thought “wait there wasn’t 100 TU restriction?” Then I give a better read of the description and I understand what was going on but it felt natural for me that for a strong move like this he had to wait at least 1 turn. In the end I won the battle but I had to post it to see if someone else tought the same :slight_smile:


Gyo is fine but Magma needs a speed nerf
Stun immunity+ that high speed + HG + even if you bronzeshell lock it can make a come back
It really needs nerf

We should just nerf everything. AP spam should die, aoe spam should die, and mythics can maybe get toned down a little idk. Dusi should get raw shield field, bloom should have raw tsunami mortar, rng when targeting APs should be gone. Cani should get a speed nerf so aoe spam is impossible. Mythics can get a base cost increase to 15 and maybe a ss cost decrease on some of the weaker mythics.

Oh yeah we should also delete the pvp rocks from the game

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i totally forgot link slayerbane all can be used if 2 of the 3 monster (3 monster left) have the same element…
cost me the game

Nope. They are all fine, link fire I would say needs more monsters atm, link water is overfed and link holy (Prisma ss) I believe is perfectly balanced for now. Gyo and magma in particular were hit hard with nerfs. Magma could’ve been in any endgame and just destroy 2 tanky water types with the old ss. Now it has to be fire type focused. Gyo used to be 4on1 god and pretty much kill whole fl if you mess with his allies’


magma is fine, gyo is what needs a buff

You’ve got a point :thinking: