Skip Limit In PVP

IMO there needs to be a skip limit implemented in PVP. Death sentence all, one on one, etc are being exploited. Several matches, where my whole team gets put to sleep and the enemy skips until I’m dead. There are work arounds anyway like purify, skip, etc, but a 2-3 skip limit needs to be put in place.


Considering there was a need to limit skips with 2 active players, and limiting give turn, I do see a good case for that as well.

As much as I’d like to see something like this, it would kill what is a perfectly viable strategy

Yeah but my thing is that is a completely out of battle reliant technique. It doesn’t rely on you or your opponents monsters, but a loophole basically. It’s not like you can’t do the strat without exploiting the game mechanics. The most recent opponent had an mossalith aegis and soul stealer with a sleep bomber. Now once I’m asleep you shouldn’t be able to skip until I’m wiped out and all your mons are at the front with bloodthirst and survivor fully charged, two protectors one with give turn.

Now I’m not blaming my opponents at all it’s a great strat and if it is deemed legal going forward so be it. Even if it is can’t skip twice with same mon in a row, soulstealer would’ve had to attack my aegis. And I would’ve had a chance to stop him before death sentence kicked in. He may have still got me but I would at least get to strategize something to stop it other than watching skip after skip until I’m wiped out. And mossalith slurped up my shocking entrance so my incoming mons were behind the opponents first 7/8 mons dead from the get go

I think skips should be put on individual mons the more I think about it, can’t skip consecutively with a mon, one skip and you have to attack, at least in PVP, PVE is a different story.

I do this with my Soulstealer. It’s happened to me before as well. I’d say I get death sentence and all opponents to sleep maybe 40% of the time. It’s become a lot easier to do this since frostrider came out too. It does seem kinda cheap but I’ve pulled it off and still lost so idk. You make a good argument tho.

To be fair it’s more than just that strat. That’s just the one that came to mind. But either way it should be a community consensus idk if it is what is best but I’ve lost this way 5-6 times

Maybe the community can vote on things like this.

No point to implement this feature it’s a complete waste of time.

Soul stealer has sleep all and the tanks you speak off have purify they can simply use non-damage skills and the same effect occurs.

There shouldn’t be a counter for skipping while your opponent is asleep. It’s a viable strat and there are ways to deal with this before you get put to sleep.

Knock away the frontline tanks for one - or use abyss raider his poison gas before you get put to sleep.

This shouldn’t have to change. Just because you can’t find a way around something does not mean there isn’t. If this was a flawless strategy that had no counters everyone would use it.

And honestly I can’t find any other appliance for this skipping other than a sleep strategy lol.

Skipping is part of the game mechanics.

Also I’m not in for these vote things. As I can sense from this topic the majority thinks soul stealer cannot be bypassed.

The largest amount of people is generally badly informed about all possible game mechanics and the ignorant ( sorry but it’s true ) are the first to cry out when they feel something is unfair rather than look for a way around it.

This is why we have so many DON PENGUINI IS OP threads

I used the strat myself and I’ve had plenty of times where the strategy completely turned on me and I lost my frontline without as much as a chance to counter.

Should I now go and yell that abyss raider is OP and his speed should be nerfed cause he counters my tactic?

No cause there are other ways to fight against abyss raider - just my current strat isn’t one of them.

I don’t mean to offend anyone but please instead of crying about how something made you lose and its OP and should be nerfed.

First seek for help how to counter the strat and make necessary adjustments

It’s the same thing in other strats dealing with sleep. Unless you put a fast monster in the line up there is much you can do with frost rider or Oni blade. But it’s not even that it is difficult. It feels cheap and it’s irritating. Or the occasional stun bomb team that simply draws out the battle forever. It’s boring. Not everybody has the monsters to do it anyway. Or most people would do it, I’ve run into the same line up with frostrider, soulstealer by like 5/6 different people so obviously people are doing it.

If you feel fine skipping turns over and over then do it, it seems more like you don’t want your strategy to get nerfed. Nobody here is crying or anything. If it never gets changed that’s fine. If they make it so the same monster can’t skip twice in a row, cool.

Nobody wants to play a 20 minute match of sleeping with a mon, skipping and dreamhunting so the other player never even gets a turn. That’s retarded. It’s not about being op it’s about the fact that it gets under opponents skin watching someone skip 22 times. Or skipping constantly with Godfeather to make him last, which rarely works out but you should have to pay for getting to that point and have to attack or preform an action. If it was implemented it would cause people to readjust that’s it. And poison gas is barely a good counter, great I’m not asleep assuming it hits my mons, maybe it just hits yours now your whole team is awake and mine is asleep, my hold ground is useless if it does hit me. That’s so situational. This is more than one strat I’m talking about. *cant skip consecutively with one mon* that’s all I’m proposing

Not being a fan of voting is your prerogative it’s either way for me. But I would at least like the community to think about pros and cons.

Theres already banedragon to counter ethernal sleep, but the way to got him is pretty hard meh

I’m running three different teams at the moment. Only one of them contains soulstealer. Moreover I’m not using frostrider.

Either way just because it’s irritating doesn’t mean it requires a nerf. That’s like saying remove godfeather because his face irritates me.

By Implementing this you are making a sleep team pretty much unuseable because you couldn’t find a counter to it.

Yes not everyone can get the monsters that counter the strategy although fairly sure everyone in top 200 pvp should have abyss raider which right now is the best soulstealer opener counter by far.

Other than that Robochicken and twin killers also work well and they out speed all those monsters.

If you don’t like chance then you are playing the wrong game as chance is pretty much a part of it.

not only chance to hit sleep / auto protect block chance but also chance to get certain monsters from eggs ( which is a big part of this game ) and to conclude variable damage values.

So far Devs have made the right moves filtering all the bad stuff in the forums. Or we would have seen the last bite move altered a long time ago just because someone didn’t know that he can only use it when he is alone.

I hope they will continue to do so going forward.

IMO there needs to be a skip limit implemented in PVP. Death sentence all, one on one, etc are being exploited. Several matches, where my whole team gets put to sleep and the enemy skips until I’m dead. There are work arounds anyway like purify, skip, etc, but a 2-3 skip limit needs to be put in place.


Well, if you’re limiting the skip, the death sentence timer would also need to be cut half, or else soulstealer would be crowned as the worst legend, not that I own any…

Have you removed your poison revenge monster in your line up? If I remember correctly, I won against you twice in a row yesterday by purposely taking advantage of your poison revenge monster to set my sleep going.


It’s a strategy game…the mechanics are good. PokemonGO has no sleep teams and is real time battling no skipping needed - maybe you would enjoy that sykonaut??

You woulda been better off not posting this thread. Lol

Hmm…well this is very interesting. I’ll try to keep this as short as possible.

I do agree and disagree with Sykonaut. Here’s why:

I do think that skipping turn in a match is extremely annoying. I first encountered this last year when having a match with someone. At that time, I was new and barely figured out how to play. They would skip their turn to wait out death sentence. I was furious but thought ‘Hey that was only one time so it might not happen’. However, it did. Many, many, many more times. That’s when I decided to suggest a skill:

Forced Hand (250 sec): Causes target creature to not skip a turn.

This skill would be on a fast creature that allowed a monster not to consecutively skip turns. I do agree that turn skipping should be reduced. However, it shouldn’t be solely based of the death sentence tactic. There are other tactics that also use skip turn for strategy. For example, you can skip turns to maneuver your monsters into position. You can skip turn to avoid being Timestriked. You can skip turn to allow Survivor to charge. Or you could’ve skipped turn by accident. :P  There are other examples as well, but I’ll stop there.

So, I believe skip turn should be reduced to each monster, but I’m unsure how that will go. If developers choose to change it, then we’ll see. I like to think of it like this: Is skip that bad? Will it break the game, if so how? Can it be changed that will not harm any current builds or metas?

@Sykonaut I also believe that since we can see what and how current metas are played then I would like to suggest that you might want to spend time building a countermeta. Most countermeta builds eventually become meta. I know this is off topic but I used to participate in Magic the Gathering tourneys and I would always like to theorize what new decklists would become meta and which ones would likely counter those metas. I would spend unbelievable amount of time doing so. And I’ve been doing this for every game I play. I wanted to start a theory thread, but I’m too busy to do so at the moment. I think it could benefit a lot of newcomers/oldcomers alike. :slight_smile:


Therefore, I feel like skip is a viable strategy. However, I can see how it can be abused. And that’s to be expected, since most players will always choose the path of least resistance and trouble. I do feel that skip shouldn’t be changed because of one or two skills, but changed to benefit the overall game.

And to anyone else who might be reading this. I would like to urge all newcomers and old to treat each discussion with the same respect you would have in a public discussion, please. Help us make this a great place for discussion by always working to improve the discussion in some way, however big or small. Recently, I have been noticing a lot of post appearing stating “This is OP” etc. And the responses to those threads. Some post have merit while others appear to seeking help. When looking at a post try not to assume that the poster is “Crying” or “Complaining” in some way. Try to see it in their shoes. They may or may not know the things you know. Try to help them instead of brushing them off. Not only does it help you look good, but it helps the forum look good.

Now I know you can’t read into people’s emotion when typing/writing but let’s work together to make this forum and game community great. That’s all I wanted to say. :slight_smile:

(Please note that I’m not targeting anyone in particular I just wanted to get that off my chest! I really like this forum and the users, so many ideas and helpful people!)

Great post!

You may want to not just target the responders but urge new comers and old (with bad habits) to not post the first thing that irritates them without doing any research or to express it in a way that shows they are inquisitive about an issue rather than making a direct statement on something without any knowledge to back it up. It goes both ways and I think people on this forum do a great job of helping others. Sometimes it is easier to focus on the negative but overall communication in this forum has really helped shape neo monsters into the really good app that it is.

Happy Hunting!!

If you put give turn/switch place in frontline they can counter this if 1o1 hits them. This can also be countered by Abyssraider poison gas, which can actually completely destroy a sleep frontline if played right and the speed RNG is in your favour. Can also be countered by Banedragon, and if it hits anything that can sacrifice itself, it should be bringing in your stunning purifier for 5th. It only takes 1-2 mons to have a very reliable counter to sleeper frontlines.

What I find more intimidating actually are mid-game Soulstealer setups. If you aren’t expecting it, it can ruin your match instantly. And at that point, it’s definitely too late to stage a comeback

There should be no neef to that its part of the sleep strategy. You you did take it away skip while enemy is asleep or severely stunned it take away from sleep and Stun teams. This would be conpletely stupid. Hidan is right. It is not broken. Sleep can be countered you just have to figure it out. If you don’t have the monsters well you have to go get them.

Easy counter for Soulstealer and abyss that most people should be able to run. Run abyss, DD, stun absorber and protector killer in frontline. If not abyss than any other posion gas monster (ryno or puff could be good here too). You could also do throw a couple death revenge in your frontline.

Well the consensus seems to be to keep the skips the way they are. Which is fine. I do like gmugen’s idea of a skill called ‘forced hand’ then you’d have to risk putting such a mon in your line up. It would be a strictly PVP mon though. Maybe a skill called ‘Antagonize’ which forces one mon to attack the user until it’s knocked out, where the attacking mon can’t do anything but attack, no other skills, idk.

Either way if the community thinks it’s fine it’s fine.

On a side note, I’m not ‘crying’ or ‘complaining’ it was just an issue I felt like bringing up. I’m doing just fine in PVP:P