PvP Beta is here?

Just received a message in the news section that I’m now in the pvp beta and have played a coupled of matches but there is no challenge at all? Just wondering if there are any other players in it too or if I’m just vsing computer teams. Doesn’t seem as though there’s any match making system to rank you with other players unless I just need to play more to get rank up which makes sense.
Wondering if this is something that has been opened up to others across the forums and their thoughts.

Probably players I guess. This should be them opening up pvp beta to any players without any restrictions.

They should probably ban skipping turn, because… I don’t think i need to explain lol

Yeah they need to put a limit of skip turn. Just got down to the last mons with some guy and we sat there for about 15mins skipping turns because we both had last biter mons and wanted to win ahaha

Was your mon a gigarock, while the opponent was a dragaia and the opponent was using a water team?

Happy it finally is here did my first battle the opponent gave up I was to much for them
Interesting you don’t get the help to see what monster can be hit by sleep killer or timestrike so you have to just know
They won’t ban skip turn as some monsters need it to function and would create a tier base competion where certain monsters and actions are banned which I don’t think anyone would like
But I can agree a time limit on making a move and skip turns you can do in a row so games don’t take to long

They need to ban skip turn or it will eventually turn into a time contest where one side will eventually run out of patience.

But that would mean crippling certain monsters
And would create a metagame
A limit on how many times you can do it is probably the best and a time limit on making a move
And if they start full out banning stuff they will start to ban monsters so say good bye to your last biters and any monsters that give a edge in battle

I don’t think you can ban it outright, but there should be a limit to how often you can use it. 

Like you can have 3 skips at a time, and you “recharge” 1 skip every like 300 secs or so

Exactly Buckingham gets it

Also that is apparently a confirmed bug.

I like it cause it rewards experience, but it is probably unfair on the newer players who are used to the game being a certain way.

Yeah limiting skip turn would probably be the better way out lol. I just played one match where the opponent gave up in 10s  :blink:

That’s fast lol was it me lol I got the low battery warning and got disconnected as soon as I went into battle
But other than that the last 3 battles have been very easy

I got the notification saying my battery is charged to full and then I failed.

If it was me that sucks as I wanted to battle you I might have gotten a real good challenge and maybe even lost for once maybe

The first game I played was actually relatively close. 

Second game I used assisted water and realised just how buffed the AI teams were.

nah it wasn’t you, it was some other guy. I faced a guy who even changed the language to german. I literally did not understand what my moves were lol. I suspected that I played with Freakdeer as I was in a skip turn match for 15 mins with this other guy around the time he posted.

The game giving you a defeated if a battery warning comes or a msg is annoying I might disable all notifications before I play

Changing moves to German tricky could confuse people if they don’t know there own monsters
The game should stay in whatever language you put it in no matter what the opponent has for there’s

That’s a confirmed bug btw. And I also didn’t know that if you don’t make a move for too long, you will automatically lose a match.

That’s a bit of a shock

Yeah i lost the match of skipping turns, because I was a bit annoyed and decided to go do other stuff lol.