Request: 100% Health Indicator for Confident Strike Mons

Is there some sort of indicator that can be displayed when a CS mon is at 100% health? This way we could see if they’re able to do the buffed CS damage vs. being at 99% health and being disappointed with the damage output. I imagine something similar to the sparks shown for recommended skill usages. Perhaps sparks when it’s normal CS damage and different colored sparks when it’s at 100% health and buffed CS damage? Thanks


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Theres a little green bar under the monster that tells you :rofl:

No but for real this is a good idea. The poison tick can be deceptive.

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Lol but yes, exactly. If a mon is poisoned, has it ticked yet? It looks like a 100% full health bar, but can’t be sure all the time.

It will be good if this added well it will get help to skill like finishing snap nd many more in which we will know if it’s 15 or 20% hp left, great idea!!:wink:

Is there a way to make a poll on this new forum? @Zardecil @Lucrayzor @Buckingham @ILAGaLOT

I want to make a poll for the community to determine whether or not they agree with me that this post is rediculous.

Look at the damn green bar. Use your best judgement.

“Like” this post if you agree. We’re workig on a poll to determine this, but in the meantime if this post gets 20 likes I will lock this thread.


Sigh. The only ridiculous thing about this thread is your spelling of “rediculous”.

The requested feature would be useful for those who use CS monsters. There are certain times at which if you knew you were at 100% you’d use CS, but if you were at 99.9% you wouldn’t.

The only thing that has come out of your dismissive post is that you made yourself look like a fool. Why treat members of the community and their ideas in such a manner?

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There are trolls in this Forum, however some of the ‘old dogs’ of Neo Monsters think that they are ‘old gods’ and are quite arrogant in their forum responses/posts and not constructive. Guess they have seen the same questions over and over again and are tired of it.

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You mean there are genuine players in the forum??? Gasp shock horror

Also don’t you dare calling Gary a dog, he’s a beastly hound you peasant


Says a guy whose name is an anagram for the word “skeet”

Guess you should change your name to Keats.
Little English joke for you there.

I’ll see myself out.

But anyway don’t mind Gary, he likes to troll.

I must admit though I’ve never personally had a problem with this, you get a damage number come up when the poison tick goes through so it’s relatively easy to see if you’re paying attention. That being said it’s not the hardest thing in the world to implement so I’d be all for it.

Also there’s not that many old dogs actually left here, the mods are probably some of the oldest players of the game (myself included) but this forum is mostly new blood now.