Slept my poisoned monster

I was playing Pvp and my opponent evolved his Pupupa to Dreamoth and it slept my poisoned Duscy, the double Dreamhunt worked. I think its because if the poison ticks, it also happens often when Poisomoth enters shields don’t get broken. This sucks so I suggest poison to damage instantly after something new happens on the field.

Roaring entrance happens instantly, it’s one of the aspects of it that is strong and by design.

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But what about a poisoned monster getting slept? That flat out should not happen. I get that the devs have coded it that way but conceptually thats absurd for the “laws of the neo universe”

I can accept that, the real thing is asleep poisoned monsters.

don’t try to take away one good thing that terrible moth has.

That’s most probably cos the code just slaps sleep onto poisoned monsters . They are unwilling to insert a subcode that checks if the monster is poisoned or not in case of tranq

Hey @Buckingham , not sure if it’s actually you but GGs. Lost to you just now lol. My ign is KingKojo.

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Wrong thread my boi

Not me I’m afraid, looks like someone has taken my name. Hopefully they do it proud ^^

But yeah not the right place for this, next time just make a new thread or PM it.