Rare Gem - Roll it?

Just hatched shogunite with 5 gems…:joy:
I usually hatch the egg between 1 PM - 5 PM… The results is Wraithcrew, Valza, Motordragon, Galliodragon…

it’s your ‘lucky hours’ man :slight_smile:

Because it is incredibly hard to get those multicoloured gems. It takes 250 normal gems just to be able to roll the multicoloured gems. Once you get to a certain point in the story both offline and online you can’t progress to get more gems… So think how long it takes to get 250 gems when you are relying on free ones from daily login and free gem section. You can get the odd one or two from events but most of those events you don’t have a good enough team to complete.

5/12: Godfeather,Mechaviathan, Tiamazus, Shadowyrm and Nightlord. I’ll never complain about it ahahah

just opened one for a se dupe, tbh not even mad :joy:

Got Omegaling from my first rare gem hatch.
How good is he?

he’s very good, auto poison poison eater mon and stun proof too

Well at least it’s not as horrid as the harps and genies catch rate. Since eggs are a little consistent and i have a lot of SEs got from festival, this ain’t so bad

Also Catch/Hatch related burn up there

i hatched first rare gem  and got flaveron dupe of my omegasdragon

good thing that you got flavern instead of a real dupe of omegas :slight_smile: they work well together try to utilize it 

Having more autopoisoners is never a bad thing.