Rare gems to roll 10 in 1

Good morning everyone. I think it would be a nice idea if we could roll 10 in 1 using rare gems. I have rare gems but don’t want to use it currently to open a rare egg.
I think if we can also use it to roll 10 in 1 like using 10 rare gems. This is equivalent to using 50 gems.
Then I can make a use of these gems. Rather than wasting them.

I dont know about that mate because the rare egg percentage is already 60-40 :disappointed_relieved:

Not really fond of the legends that I keep rolling out on it. If they could give me a choice of 3 to choose from if rolled a legend then I wouldn’t mind. Just don’t think it’s worth rolling it at times.

The balance of limited legends to normal legends needs to be addressed. The normal egg nest needs to be expanded. The best option would be to add in some of the limited legends split into 2 separate lists maybe 25 in each & give you a choice of which one to roll.

this would be nice for you with your 100 odd rares

Atleast the older limited edition ones at the very least!

No, just make rare eggs pull from the whole legend pool.

Then reduce the frequency of rare gems.

Zard although I am on board with that idea I don’t think the Devs will put everything in as it will detract from their special & festival eggs.
Also Lax I’m only speaking on behalf of the community… mostly.

ha I know bro I’m just messing with ya

Well they need to do something with it. Personally I find the rare gems a waste of time. I have 34 but don’t know what to do with it.
For something which is worth the most in the game you would expect it to be actually worth it.

This is a top idea. Or maybe even 20 rare gems for limited legend and 10 for a normal legend and 5 for a super epic

Somthing like that.

The problem is that the devs keep releasing all of these new limited monsters. But only 100 or so actually get introduced into the game.

It needs to be fixed.

At least they release something, be positive with the devs Zard

You crack me up :joy:

The devs are doing a fine job. I’m happy they talk to us now. There are just a few steps though they need to take in order to make the game Really good.

  1. Improve Dupes
  2. Improve the Obtaining of Limited Legendaries
  3. Reward Customer Loyalty.
  4. Give me something to spend on that doesn’t cost me an arm and a leg.

Do these and maybe(just maybe) I’ll consider spending a bit. But until then, my wallet is unable to be big enough to do so.

I remember when I was young spending money on booze instead of gems or whatever the ■■■■ the currency is

I don’t drink.

Unfortunately I just don’t have the money to pay $30 for a chance at fun.

Just use the modded apk


Instead of dinner out on Saturdays, stay home and eat pasta with ketchup. Should be able to afford a pack soon after.

If you eat pasta with ketchup here in italy you get arrested

OK, then just pasta, even cheaper.