Rant about this obnoxious monster

Everyone makes that assumption about everyone else, but you should know by now I try to give well-rounded responses and in every nerf post I always write “however” halfway through. If you’re thinking like this when you’re reading my posts then you’re not reading them correctly

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U really think about angelion atm ? :joy:
I really thought u would say bloomluga after reading the Headline :smiley: that dude is by far the bigger Problem …
Angelion is only Part of some Teams atm… But Yeah lowering def a little Bit would be nice, but turning angelion into a glass canon would be wrong
What i dont unterstand… Chrono Killer cant kill angelion, dolphfreeze Time is up can… Thats what i dont unterstand …

Oh please make a 12 step forum post where you explain on how to “read” your posts. Pretty sure it’s just english im reading


@Unown Desist from trying to start any argument with me. Don’t derail the thread from talking about Angelion

Take out the Purify All restriction, and I’d be fine with these nerfs. I hate the idea of nerfing something with a passion, but even I agree that Angel is just too much.

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That would be a huge nerf from more than just one site making it pretty much deathweight after 2 rounds. Countering stun wouldn’t be a punishment at all with his useless moveset. After reading all these ae requests while there are still monsters like bloom and stag out there who Completely destroy any meta I will completely disagree with these useless attempts to fix a monster which isn’t a problem at all… Many players can handle it and its not like people are dominating with lion

I see where you’re coming from and as I said, I think Angel is fine despite the defense being a bit too high. Lower it so it will die from any sort of chrono killer and we will be fine.



Ap spam is a team which consists of 8+ monsters which synergies well togather not solo monster that counters all.

What you are saying solo bloom or stag is as good as lion get real. Anyway there is no need to further derail this thread about ap or irrelevant comparison of monsters


Just lower Angel’s def a little so it can be one shot by Chrono killer. Problem solved. While you’re at it, lower Duscy’s too. Why that thing has so much def with a shield and HG is beyond me.


@NoelLemon2 @Mr.X

@eNjiin just expressed his opinion. No need to get personal

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Angelion is overpowered ! Oaks endorse this statement !

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the problem he expresses the same biased opinion everywhere. same old rant about bloom and AP monsters.

Almost everyone is biased in some way or another. Pointing it out and being rude/argumentative only details threads and isn’t nice for anyone to read. If someone is being too pushy with their opinion and irritating others then moderators can get involved

■■■■ anyone here who disagrees with my opinion.



Wait did I mention anywhere ap spam again. Every time I post something people think I am pointing to ap spam. Jesus can you stop that ffs

As well to you @NoelLemon2. Each post of criticism is for you guys always related to ap spam. I am really tired of this… Your attempts to defame me everytime I post any comment is beyond anything

I know. But hes free to do so. As you are free to express that you do not approve it. Only Problem was the beginning of your Post.

What people in general have to understand is that this whole „Monster XY isn’t a problem because Monster Z is the real problem“ makes absolutely no sense. How does a possible bloom/stag issue make angelion less of a problem? Would nerfing Bloom stag solve any of the issues with Angel? Would it lower his defense? Would it make lion less of a counter to everything? No! Truth is: Both can be a problem at the same time but this thread is simply about angelion.

And just in before my post gets misinterpreted: It’s not aimed at anybody. It’s just a general statement about the way debates in this forum are usually going

Tbh I don’t see any issue with lion despite his high defense. That was something which were told by many players which I can agree with. But if the Thread opener complains about this monster and his only suggestion is to remove that monster while his statement is there can’t be any fun in pvp because of angelion - I can’t disagree more on that than I think that the 2 monsters I mentioned is ruining the fun. It’s not about not nerfing angelion. It’s about his statement of not being able to have fun while angelion is on the field. That was my point

I made the mistake of mentioning Stag in my post. It looked like that caught more attention than the other stuff I wrote.

At least practically everyone here agrees Angelion has too much to offer on a single monster and probably the best approach to nerfing is to reduce its defence so it can be more easily killed with chrono killer.


A very fair point which I agree with too. There are a few monsters which create unpleasant experiences for players. In my opinion I don’t mind some monsters being a bit strong just as long as everyone gets to have fun playing. I’d prefer alterations/nerfs happening to these other things rather than something like Angelion which is just more OP than it needs to be. Everyone will be thinking “AP spam” when I say this but there’s also stuff like Motor 5th which people hated or sleep metas, both of which need to be avoided.

What we need are more monsters with the mark mechanic. All we have is that lame super epic.