Ranked PvP is still just grind?

@Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD

Thanks very much for re-introducing ranked PvP to the game! Many wanted this back with rankings more based on your performance rather than how much you’re willing to play over a period of time.

However, what we have is again mostly about grinding. It’s basically ±1000 points per win/loss. Being 1st place is simply about how many wins you can get over the 3 days, while having a good win ratio. Don’t get me wrong, this is an improvement on what we last had! Losing points for losses is necessary, but by winning and losing the same amount no matter who we face it boils down to how much we can grind over the three days. The problem is, most of the time we’re facing people who aren’t the other people of our rank. I’ve done roughly 25 matches this afternoon and the vast majority of them were against far weaker people, which allowed me to get into 2nd place without it really feeling like I was competing with the others up at the top.

Please consider making some changes to the way we get points. This system is okay, but not brilliant. Grinding PvP for three days is possible but doing one every 30 minutes is a serious ordeal.

P.S. Before anyone mocks me for losing my position over the weekend I just want to say I’m going away this weekend (it’s why I’m getting some games in early).

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:joy::joy::joy: no one will mock you for that :joy:

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You know what the most balanced thing to do is for ranked pvp and basic pvp? Give a set amount of tickets which we can consume in the time period (150 tickets perhaps)

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Fully agree, was about to start a thread with the same topic. As long as you keep your win ratio over 50%, your points will increase (+/- 1000 as stated by killerdog). So yeah, win ratio matters, but so does grinding.
However, the ranking points you get or lose should be based on the strengh (=ranking points) of your opponent. And naturally, you should be battling opponents with a similar strengh to yours. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn’t we have exactly that, e. g. about 1,5 years ago? Why don’t we simply bring back the old system, while keeping the improved servers of course.

Ya this new system isn’t effective. It rewards the elite players & the grinders. It sets the normal frequency, 60-70% win rate players at a disadvantage.

I dunno guys. On Friday i played 11 matches. Won 9 of them. Made it to 30th and haven’t played since. Im still top 100.

Im not sure what that says about the system but I assure at 48k RP and a 53% win ratio going into ranked play I am far from elite.

hi guys it’s been a long time not playing neo mon haha
i might play this again for old time sake
btw good to see a lot of old guys still stick in here :grin:

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Yeah tbh it’s good in general for getting the normal positions. It’s just going for the top positions where it becomes a 72hr grind.

However, since I made this thread I’ve started facing way more of the top PvP players so I shouldn’t have bashed the system so badly. It does come down to your win rate and how well you can do against the best PvP players but it’s a small niggle I have that the score you get from beating a weaker team is the same as beating a top team. It’s partially because of that the top positions will go to the biggest grinders.

To be fair, if you win, you get to higher ranking, simple as that.

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I miss old pvp were 60 wins gets you the final prize

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Esp 40 wins gets you two legend potions.

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we had 3 weeks but during garcia and time strike i didnt find really the time to grind pvp as well. thats a lot to do while you have a work life balance :smiley:

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I just thought about the system again. While grinding still matters a lot, your win ratio is even more crucial.
Some basic calculations (forgive me if I get some numbers wrong).
You get 2 tickets each hour. The event lasts 3 days, e.g. 72 hours. As you start with 12 tickets and wont be able to use the last one you get due to the event ending, you will have a total of
72*2+12-1=155 tickets at your disposal, if you use all of them.
Each win gets you around 1000 points, each defeat makes you lose 1000 points. The small variations wont matter as they should be 0 at total. Following this, every defeat nullifies a win. You simply lose the points you get. So if you have win ratio of 70%, 40% of your used tickets will give you 1000 points each (the 30% defeats will nullify 30% wins).

This means with a win ratio of 70%,the maximum amount of points will be:
155x1000x0, 4 = 62k points

However, with a win ratio of 80%, your points could be
155x1000x0,6 = 93k points

And if you are a beast and can win 85% of your matches, you will be able to score
155x1000x0,7 = 108.5k points.

So win ratio matters a lot, but only if you use enough tickets. I need to negate my first statement, the system does not seem that bad, but still too much grinding involved in my opinion :wink: win ratio is an indicator for skill, not the amount of time you invest.

It awards the grinders more than it should @Dev_VKC

But you know I’m biased :wink:

Against someone good:

Against someone :poop::
Lose=-800 <—> I’ll assume this is the case…

A decent player would give around 900 (or lose 900 as well). So there isn’t much difference.

Thank you for the feedback guys.
We will make sure to adjust/improve the PvP system based on it.

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I don’t see it as a grind I’ve played hardy any matches just a few here and there and I’m still in top 20
It’s only a grind when you play against people that want first more then the air they breathe and you need to keep playing non stop or hope they go on a losing streak

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I’d like to correct my previous feedback. Ranking is based greatly on your win rate. If you’re barely above 50% then you’ll have a very hard time getting anywhere, while if you have a high win rate you’ll easily get among the top positions. That feels right, but there’s probably not much to differentiate between the people from about 60% or less.

Getting in the top, say, 100 is not a grind at all. It’s perfect! Getting into the top 50, 25 or even 10 is fine. The ONLY “grind” issue will be for the absolute top places. These require both to be among the best for win rate but also to use as many of the free tickets over the 72 hours.

New feedback:

  • For players position 5th - 500th (roughly) this is working perfectly.
  • For players 1st - 4th it’s good, but super grindy.
  • For players 500th+ there’s very little distinguishing between them.
  • Very very good overall, just a couple of little issues as shown above.
  • I’d be fine with it staying as it is. Having the top few spots for mad grinding is no biggie, some people can have fun with that each time. Something to properly differentiate the lower scoring players is the bit I’d look into improving, but can’t say I know exactly what’s going on there right now.
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cough Starlord cough @Unown

But ya I think starting early and having a good initial percent is what matters.

Ya my 9 wins from Friday night still have me at 98th.