
Ohh… i see…

Hmmm if you can select your opponent through their Gamecentre ID then people can abuse this with multiple accounts. Can I suggest that prizes are only awarded ‘x’ times per account per day?

x being perhaps 5?

I believe this was discussed before (not on here). But really, now, how many people will have ten different devices to abuse this system? And two to three won’t really hurt, right? It’s just a gold egg (that’s the reward.)

If you just mean accounts, then I believe they have some sort of IP restriction, but I’m not sure. 

I’m not sure how much I can say but I doubt abuse is going to be an issue

I think he means like another person feeding another person with a bunch of wins.

For example, a person might get a friend to download the game and the friend might feed him with wins.

And I would really like 2 to 3 gold eggs anytime. :slight_smile:

Instead of restrictions, I think there should be a point where you have to pass in order to PVP. Preferably, a little time-consuming, but not too much. Like in Geomon, you had to reach a certain rank in order to catch zodiacs (in that huge horrible mission that followed up with Geomon’s shutdown).


Well, it’s a one-time gold egg for each friend they recruit. They don’t get gold eggs if the friend is already recruited.

Though I see the problem now.


everyone on chat is talking about PVP.

Im jelly .-.

Soon, you will be able to eat that jelly.


Back to my main point: :slight_smile:

Can i have peanut butter with my jelly?


that means im gonna be covered with PEANUT BUTTER! D;

Hey lads,

Keep it on topic, yeah?

Ok sorry…

Now for a real pvp question

Do monsters in pvp have a set level?

Or does a monster with a higher level enter pvp with that high level?

And whats the level cap of monsters?

I hope it isnt 150 .-. That takes forever,

The answers to those are…

Its a secret :wink:

Sorry Deadpool! 

As for your questions, Doom, I suppose Deadpool’s answer should suffice. But if you really insist, I can tell you that one of your questions is an answer itself. I’m not telling you which, though.

because that builds up suspense while still satisfying some of your curiosity right? mwuahahaha

um actually i dont know but yeah


Are we even allowed to tell him?

Tell you what, here is a hint that isn’t super revealing: When you PvP, all monsters, regardless of level, evolution stage, or anything else, get set to a certain level, you can guess at said level, and we (or I) will hot/cold you.

Or we can shush up about it and let the people wonder what it’s all about

I like my idea best

lol think of it this way, I am building more anticipation… *suspense*

Being quiet about it builds it better though

En garde

Ok now I’m more confused :lol:

If it was meant to be kept quiet, why did they make a trailer to build hype (something that is always done, no hype, the word doesn’t spread, less people find out, less money is made). Also, Ryan gave use free rein to show stuff as long as it isn’t a story spoiler.