PVP Meta List

The First PVP even has been going long enough that a certain strategies have shown themselves to be more effective in PVP.  Similar to the tier list by monster, this is a list of current strategies in PVP that seem to be most effective.  No tiers have been assigned as I would like to have the community’s feedback first and there may be some strategies I have forgotten.

Most of these will be frontlines, or opening strategies, though some may combine these to include more than one in their team. This is a work in progress and will be updated based on feedback.

The goal of this list is to eventually define the PVP meta. This will give players an opportunity to create counter strategies to the teams that are most prevalent.

After each strategy a list of required/recommended monsters will be included.

Aegis Blade

-          Oniblade, Aegisdragon

Night Night (Nightrider abuse)

-          Nightrider, Zephyrox, Alphgear, Lavaronix, any stun immune give turn epic, Omegasdragon/Flarevern/Tiamazus

Assisted Holy

-          Sanctaillion, Archwolf, Aegisdragon, Ultima dragons, Anubirom, Archwolf

Assisted Energy

-          Godfeather, Zephrox, Raptorex, Grimowl, Armavolt, Typhondragon, Cybereon, Blitz Dragon

Soul Stealer abuse

-          Soul stealer, autoprotector, sleep bomb epic, stun bombers, one on one epic/superepics

Assisted Water

-          Cryokaiser, Hydrokaiser, Megazeratops, Warca, Seahowl

Poison knockback

-          Oroblazer, Luxyrion, Tiamazus, Omegasdragon, Flarevern, Zephyrox, Alphagear, give turn epics


  •          Bahamuzar, dolphlare, atrahasis/aurodragon combo


  •          Stunning/shocking entrace, stun flash, and stun bombers with time strikers. 

In terms of assisted energy I find a +9 skyther works better than armavolt & costs less. Typhondragon is just a beast & easily deserves a place. And can’t forget cybereon and blitz dragon. I find Velocirex doesn’t even make it in my team just doesn’t justify a place.

a lot of time strikers with twin killers , protectors, stunbombers, followed by stunning entrances (blitz dragon, stunning healers), then stun flashes.

also bloodcraver time strikers, bloodfury time striker thrown in there.

Bahamuzar, dolphlare, atrahasis/aurodragon combo.
Also for nightrider abuse a front line of aegis, nightrider, omegadragon and lavaronix has worked best so far.

Also nightrider abuse should be renamed to night night

Lol you and I may be the only ones who actually have all 4 of those legendaries to actually build that team. Added any way. Also added the name night night and auto poisoners. 

I just beat someone that had around 660 points. I think it was some Japanese person.

I also have all those 4 legendaries you mentioned… does it work well? I find bahamuzar to be quite lack luster in PVP… you can simply knock him back and he is behind all his rockoids lol

I find bahamuzar great in pvp if you protect him.

how will you protect him from knockback tho? In the fight against you I knocked your bahamuzar back before he even took a turn to the end of your team where he’s pretty much a sitting duck when he comes on the field

That team I scrapped, to many assisted lightning teams. Last few fights my front line has been bahamuzar team turner give turner and protector. Just been playing about with teams and I did like that front lineup

So the only way to go for F2P is the stun option, unless you were lucky enough to get one of this constellations through the eggs :slight_smile:

The trick is to have more threatening monsters around to deal with, then you can summon swarm>give turn>throw against their knockbacker.

more threatening monsters? But Bahamuzar in itself is a pain to deal with and if you knock him back to the end of the team & your opponent has no switch back monsters he will be a useless slot as he comes out pretty much… I wonder what would be more threatening than something that can start one shotting your monsters with a few give turn & team turners at any point lol

Nightrider, rexo, deodragon, oniblade,chronotitan( with dolph he’s great) and mon that have powerful move active bloodthirst etc.

Nightrider is my usual one, usually because I have give turners surrounding him so they are forced to take him out as soon as possible. I also have Dolph and auro right next to him to make use of the rockoids and stun monsters to keep nightrider alive.
Normally they have one attack in the gap so they have to kill nightrider

twin knockback darkrider & bahamuzar and you’ve got nothing left though? its all theory ofcourse :wink:

baha isn’t in the front line, it’s further back

Twin knockback would probably mess me up anyway but I know it’s coming so i don’t use summon swarm too early.

Can anyone in the top 20-30 post what place they finished and the general strategy they ran? We will see what strategies had the most representation and use that to help determine the initial tiers.

I was number 57 and used assisted water and stun.

Awesome thanks! Let’s actually expand it to top 100 or so to get a better picture. The more data the better!