PvP Battle Arena v2.0

Yes. Its should be more easy then get 85 win.

The idea for tier system is help new player claim all reward . But it gone wrong.

My friend in Vixen league meet duck (grand champion).

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except for legendary pots (and losing streaks which the devs have promised to lessen so we can ignore that). We now get 2 (3 if you have paid gems) instead of 4

Finishing legendary bonds requires a lot of pots (i need 700+) so I donā€™t understand why they decrease pots, better yet why decrease rare gems? This was a bad decision overall imo


You know, you are one of the people I respect the most on the forum, but it bothers me that you say things like this. Everyone in the game has the same right to win, whether they are newbies or not. I donā€™t like arrogance and pride, those who think that because they are an old player, have a large collection or put a lot of money into the game, they have more right to win and to be heard. That the others. You are a forum moderator, I donā€™t think you expressed yourself in the correct way. Each and every player has the same right.

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Thanks for the kind words!

What I wanted to convey was that this game has a certain learning curve. As a beginner you run into obstacles. Your team simply isnā€™t strong enough to beat most events. In those cases you need to gain experience, hatch new monsters and learn, which will allow you to progress.

Normally PvP ranks work in a way that the best players occupy the best ranks. I didnā€™t know whether the purpose of this event was that everyone could become a grand champion and collect all rewards? Even a player that has started a week ago? If that was the intention, it didnā€™t quite work properly, but itā€™s hard to design a PvP event that way as it also depends on the skill of the player.

So is it really expected that a total beginner can compete this event? I think itā€™s normal that a certain learning curve exists which is of course steeper against real players compared to AI.

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Looking from this approach of course you are right. Thank you for your kind response, that sounded like the exu I know. Of course, it is normal that it is more difficult for new players, experience and skill are gained over time and this new pvp system has made it more difficult for newbies. But as VKC said that will change next season. Thank you again, you have my respects brother.

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I think Mr X said it somewhere on the forum that the frequent release of so many mythic monsters is unhealthy, Iā€™ll agree on that @Dev_VKC


The positioning of these numbers is a bit close. Makes it unclear to read


@Dev_VKC why are the servers soo bad today

I donā€™t know what the new PVP means. I keep losing now. I used to be in the top 200, but now I canā€™t even get into the top 500. My friendā€™s level is lower than mine. The monster is not as good as me, but his ranking is still higher than mine. And the rewards seem to have increased, but they canā€™t get all of them. The stronger the stronger, the weaker the weaker. This is just killing my interest.


A good honest review. Sadly I have to agree that this system does not seem to benefit the most playerbase.


Do you know how I feel when I meet the top 50 in the 700th? I am helpless.

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Yeah that should not ideally happen. Sad part is this this game requires lot of grinding over many years to be really competitive in pvp.

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I think these rank levels are only used to indicate rewards. Using this according to the matchmaking system can solve this problem, for example, an opponent in silver should only match against those in silver, and those who reach the grand champion should play with other grand champions. In this way, beginners can progress more easily and enjoyable matches can occur.

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Can you please lower the net win to 2, 3 and 4 for the last one.
Itā€™s a hell for noobs. Everything is harder. So frustrating.

They should probably just increase the rewards some more. Maybe have it so the rewards you get one or two tiers below grand champion would be the same as the rewards we got with the old pvp rewards. It makes sense for the final league to be harder to pass than the others.


Do you want the maximum level to be accessible to all players? because ? I myself am unable to overcome the last 10 levels of the dungeon event, and should I come here to demand that they make those 10 levels easier? Killerdog himself told me something and he is quite right, not all players always have to reach the maximum reward, if thatā€™s the case, just put the rewards in the bag and letā€™s not even play. Do you want to reach the highest level having worse equipment than the rest of the players? This is my opinion, improve your monsters and configuration and over time you will be able to become a great championā€¦

I miss the old time. 85w, everybody was happy.

Now suffer. Suck it, you noobs.


The matchmaking system is still awefull, Iā€™m running an alt account 67 hero I have some legendaries no awakened , with a winrate around 50% , and everytime I win 1 game against an opponent I get heavily punished by meeting 3-4 people who are > 250 hero rank with many awakened mythics , why I canā€™t have oponents in the same level like me ? I know people complained about this a lot in the previous season where loosing rank them down but even now despite not ranking down itā€™s still awefull, because the experience is ā– ā– ā– ā–  ! I lost interest in playing pvp in that account ! So I imagine new players experience in pvp must be even worst


After i reach ruby t4 i just stop playing pvpā€¦ dont want to waste my time when i dont know when the grind is gonna end