
Don’t play neo as much anymore. Slowly quitting the game and picking up another.

That sound familiar. :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes, sounds exactly like desdemona’s old link holy team

I have noticed this too. Anecdotally of course, but last night Stag failed to protect 4 outta 5 and Titan has become a shell.

And I still think Jamal is right. If you attack a protector, and the protect percentage is equal to or greater than all other protectors on the field, it should hit the protector you target.

It is just another unecessary RNG in a game that has too much RNG already.

It almost seems like they have a shared percentage. If 1 fails to block, they all fail or something

that’s what I think too , noticed it in ic

I feel like this how it should be. Legendary AP should block attack 80%. SE AP should be 60%. And aegis should automatically block all attack no matter how many protector on the field. Last but not least. Any monster that has his protect skill active should block all attack unless aegis on the firld

What about diamond?

Same as aegis block everything

The quote I replied to mentioned Auto-plus not two auto’s. I was talking about exactly what @ILAGaLOT said. That’s the way it works now.

Nerf Gyo!! There you go! :slight_smile:

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Buff everything.


Buff everyone I own and nerf everyone else’s monsters


I’m down for that.

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Buff me and nerf everyone else, gotta remain the most eligible bachelor in these parts.

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Bachelor? I thought that was your girl in your Avatar pic.

What they should do is reduce AP protect rate the more APs you have on the field.

So 1 would have the normal protect rate.
2 would have half the normal protect rate
3 would be a third…
All AP would nullify the protect rate and you can essentially attack whatever you want without the RNG.

Of course this wouldn’t apply to AP plus.

So you saying they get dumber

They get dumber the more AP friends on the field. Anything to stop the AP spamming.

It would nerf the crap out of stag