Possible egg spins fix


This thread got me thinking about ways to fix the egg spin. Surely there is a fix coming but I would still like to share my ideas. Forum, feel free to share your critiques and/or agreements.

  1. Obviously new monsters could be implemented in egg roles.

  2. In game monsters could be removed gradually throughout the progression of the game, and egg exclusives could gradually become more available on egg spins as you go deeper into the storyline. Similar to how the levels are gradually increased as you progress through the game. Eventually upon story completion mostly egg exclusives would be available in the gold egg rolls and wouldn’t make the story mode too easy for “lucky” rollers. The rare arks in game could take the place of the useless arks and the exclusives take the place of the rare arks etc.

  3. For the timing problem, an easy fix would be to either literally speed up the roller or make it shift up and down. This would in fact make egg spins truly random.

I disagree with the gradual removal of the arks from the egg but otherwise I agree with everything else.

Otherwise, I could get behind this

If not removed, how about lessened? I have seen up to 6 plasmodious before in a single egg spin, that is just one that I have noticed, there are most likely many others. I only took particular notice to that one because I “won” two of them myself. Basically I’m interested in increasing the chances for egg exclusives instead of making it so difficult. I realize this is one of the main sources both the devs and apple get paid but with the inclusion of more monsters that part would iron itself out anyways. On average I have noticed per egg spin there is 1-2 exclusives (non fever) and a handful of rare in games with a vast majority being common in game useless arks. Granite plasmodius is used in a combination of a pretty powerful monster but I still consider it useless even at an S grade since its so common.

I agree with underscore I know that the updaye will fix timeing but im gonna say this anyways. All the non-timers have NO chance to get good arks and I think by lessening the amount of repeated arks will give us a better chance of getting it. or maybe put like 20- 25 different usless arks and have the rest be excellent arks. (im just guessing how many arks are in a single spin. idk if it is 50 or less or more. I just said 25 lesser arks as an example)

Yes, but they don’t have to necessarily be excellent as you say there are many egg exclusives that see very little or no play at all that are still considered in the current spins to be rare (only 1 available). Some examples may include: Meowzard, Felimancer, Rooknight, Coldheart, etc. By making these examples more common instead of having 6 plasmodious, the egg spins would be much more inviting.

Just to clarify, if you had “NO” chance as you say, Gibbs, you wouldn’t even be allowed to use Golden Eggs whatsoever. You still have a chance, albeit slimmer than those who time.

“A bit slimmer?” How about 90% vs 1% or even less in getting an exclusive ark. That’s not "a bit slimmer at all!!!
Let’s say the chance of getting a fever is 1/50, and getting an exclusive is 1/50. Then the chance for a non-timer to get an exclusive is 1/2500 which is very very close to zero anyway. “No chance” is more closer to the fact if that is the case

yes I agree I don’t care if they r either egg only or excellent they should just show up more and also not have a lot of plamodius

thanks jas that just proves my point

Technically, “no chance” is still infinitesimally smaller than 1/2500. You also don’t NEED fever to get a good Arkadion. It just makes it more likely that they’d show up.

Regardless of how low or high the chance is, when it is truly “random,” there’s no guarantee your chances will increase. In all realness, they could stay exactly the same and you’d have the same complaints, except for that the timers would now not be “guaranteed” good Arkadions. Nobody said anywhere that the chances of receiving a better Arkadion would increase, even though it has been suggested.

Not a single statement has been made saying that the chances of getting better arks in the eggs would increase.

Only thing that is being guaranteed is an alteration of the eggs so timing won’t be a factor anymore.

Bearing in mind the devs already have an idea of how to fix it, I’ve just had an idea, but not being anyone even remotely good at programming I have no idea how possible it is. Basically, keep the eggs spinning the exact same, only instead of it taking the same time to stop each time (I’m assuming that’s how the timers can work out exactly when to stop it, swear I saw someone say it was 8 places from when you hit stop), make the number of spaces it passes before stopping a random number between five and fifteen (or ten). That way the timers wouldn’t be able to time it as there would be no specific time for it to stop, and it would still be random, but give the illusion of skill, when instead it would just be luck. Anyone who knows anything about programming might tell me this is near impossible (Ashley for example, as I’ve seen in other posts you’re a game dev yourself), in which case, fair enough, but just an idea.

Let’s learn from the other successful games.

Guardian Cross - a special hunt (gold egg equivalent) will guarantee 3+ star cards (5-star is maximum). If you don’t get a 5-star after ~10 special hunts, the chance of a 5-star appearing will increase until you get one. All cards are obtainable from normal hunts (normal egg equivalent) too, but the chance is very slim.

Brave Frontier - a rare summon (gold egg equivalent) will guarantee 3+ star units (5-star is maximum). There are exclusive units which are only obtainable from rare summons.

Players in those games seem to be happy to pay.

I am not stating my opinion here but these examples are something to learn from.

Developers need to make money too. If you eliminate any chance of getting a good egg, noone is going to spend any money on a spin. 

When people try to learn and time eggs, they are bound to spend a decent amount of money doing it. Quite possibly more that they would spend on many other iOS games. And, I don’t see why it’s a problem for the people who pay to get more exclusive arks. Seems like a good deal for the developer and isn’t it better to give everyone a chance to obtain the eggs instead of… one lucky guy who is pwning everyone else? And the rich people who buy a ton of eggs? Or the timers who have a bizillion gold saved up? You’re just making the playing field even smaller and people will just complain more. 

Another option, you pay $4.99 or $9.99 for the game and make all the arks obtainable by anyone willing to put in the time. I’m not saying that’s the best idea, but it certainly is another one. We are in a weird time right now in gaming. They are giving you more and more reasons to spend your money. You could potentially spend hundreds on this game trying to complete your collection. I’m sure they want to keep it that way. I think the developers realize they will make a lot more money overall when people try to time eggs and keep spending knowing they actually have a chance rather that making it unobtainable.

Now, they are releasing most of the egg arks in weekly missions anyway, so who cares? Everyone will have a chance to get them all. Maybe there is a better way, but this way isn’t all that bad IMO.