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Nevermind, I was thinking about her issue with protectors, not Stun Absorbers. Got that mixed up (:,’

yes i noticed that as well

It’s annoying as hell. It’s like you’ve pressed the button but not released

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@Dev_VKC It’s not just the PvP cancel button, it’s also these other buttons (seen in chambers of the statue)


No going home, it’s do or die time


I brought Atrahasis and when i collected it it didn’t show up in my monster inventory @Dev_VKC friend id:46210439


@Dev_VKC Adding to the “buttons being greyed out” issue shown above…

I put together my Dungeon Challenge team using a series of elemental filters. The last one I used was shadow. I then removed all filters and sorted by “new” to see if I had any new monsters I wanted to try in the team. On most monsters the 1st skill was greyed out. This was for monsters in the team too, but was happening less on shadow monsters.

Side note: Since we cannot click any of the buttons while in a dungeon, it’s not possible to re-arrange our teams in Dungeon Challenge. Can a hotfix please come out for this before the event ends??


Agreed. not being able to swap team strategies in Dungeon Challenge makes it near impossible to finish. (though i haven’t ever actually finished it anyway)

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Hey guys I’m back
Encountered a slight issue
Please see the vid and advise as needed


After I entered the event for Okult
I reopened the game after it didn’t load and my tickets were gone.it happened several times(the cannot connect to server error) and decided to record that one
As u can see in the vid other online games work fine
Neo does as well but sometimes it gives that cannot connect error amidst matches and in game
Any advise u can give?

See here the tickets were taken.

PS. Back on mobile heheh
Forgive the mediocre footage
I’m still getting used to the device lol

Access denied. The video link is not open to public.

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My apologies ive changed the settings.

The unclicked buttons in dungeon and pvp matching screen are from the fix we did for the latest udpate.
We are currently looking into it. We’re very sorry for the troubles.


Anybody else experiencing this
It just shows this, and gives no other option
Then it’ll waste some time and then it’ll say could not find opponent*

Usually I’ll ignore it for once or twice
But it Happened several times

Any similar issues?

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I have a question i got lavamane before i evolved him i took 5star potion on him to got him +9
For a few minutes i evolve him and his +9 is gone .

Before the evolving as he was a4star monster he took a 5 star potion to get a +1 :man_shrugging::thinking:

Sorry my english is not so good at all🤣

A SE will always take 5 star potions no matter what form it is in. An exception used to be Chronox but even that needs to be potted with 5 star pots nowadays.

That being said your Lavamane should absolutely be +9… If you did pot him then it’s definitely a bug.

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Thanks :ok_hand:

i don’t know if anyone else reported this bug but after using guardian morphed, momo loses a star

Sorry if the skill name is wrong I don’t know how to write it in English :sweat_smile:

Processing: Screenshot_20211109-173910_Neo Monsters.jpg…


ha. i didn’t notice that lol. i posted an SS of a battle earlier where i morphed momo lots of times. it happened to me too! only while she is in protector morph!

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Thank you for reporting about Momo.
This is a visual bug and will be fixed in the next update.