Not able to put mons asleep at IC

I already messaged shopsupport, but am i the only one who isn’t able to put mons asleep? Tryed about 30 times sleep all at level 131 and didnt manage to get one sngle mon asleep. When the opponent makes sleep all, ALWAYS 3 or 4 of my Monsters are asleep!

yeah have the same i thouht its because its gets harder, but it doesnt bother me to much because i aint gonna play further and 131 :smiley:

It’s the same every island challenge. Move should be renamed Miss all

haha yes

yeah, i used to have the same problem… i just skip the sleepers now and go for poison

wont bring you far

yeah i know. i gets me to 120 but i wont take me much futher. i am oke with that

Sleep all works most of the time for me. It’s not because it’s harder. It’s bad luck.

I think I put 1 monster to sleep on average with a sleep all (at best)!  Still good enough… got to 150 odd so far.

Im in the same boat. This is the first time I use a sleep team for for ic but om having a harder time than my other ic teams. It would be cool if we could draft the featured monster so we can try it out

Sleep is one of the harder ones to bring through to IC, but one of the surefire strats thats still effective to 300. It requires more strategy to run properly than poison, but has the potential to be significantly stronger. The other option is timestrike/blood crave, possibly even survivor if you have enough stun and GT. The other strats don’t get you far enough.

Use the sleep team the first time as well and 4 stars starter in the end. Entered the first 50 somehow, what bring me hope to finally clear all 300 lvls and got rare eggs

I used sleep stat for the first time in IC and got me to 120 without to much trouble, but the hit rate on Sleep All seems to go down the higher up you go. At lower levels it did hit much regularly.

You were just lucky, it’s set to 20%. What you really want to do is setup a sleep bomb, it is much more reliable and strategic because you can setup into it very well once you get a stun protector. You can use a stunbomb to setup into it, which also gives the bonus of charging your timestrike/bloodcraver that you should get at some point, hopefully.

Revived sleeper in UC is shit too even shadowkit is useless if i revive him :joy::joy:

It’s ridiculous, it’s definitely been tweaked. No way is it still 25%.

I just had 5 sleep alls miss everyone in succession. Given a 25% chance of every one attempt, that’s a 99.68% chance of hitting at least one mon. That’s absurd. If this was the one time it had happened then you could maybe chalk it down to insanely bad luck, but I’ve consecutively missed 3+ attempts (96.83% chance of hitting at least one) probably half-a-dozen times. That’s a lot of sh*tty luck.

Edit: If I’m mistaken (I could’ve sworn it was 25%) and it is in-fact 20% as stated above, then that makes it a 98.85% chance of hitting at least one mon from five attempts.

Dreamhunt also seems to have been nerfed. I was only half-hitting 4* mons on level 150. Seems like they’ve gone out of their way to nerf sleep tactics, which effectively reduces the only tactic down to pure luck on the drafts. Now it’s all down to the luck on the super epic (and later legend) drafts to get a bloodcraver, bloodthirster or megabomb SE. I got a Survivor/DD who is semi-useful but already can’t one-hit 4* mons at 160. Unless I get amazingly lucky on the legend draft on the last day, I’m probably going to struggle to make 250 this round, let alone get anywhere near 300. Pretty much relying on Last Stand/stun burst tactic at the moment (after taking a few down with Survivor/DD/Dreamhunt) which is not a sustainable tactic. Depending on my legend draft on the last day, I’m probably going to have to settle for between 200-250 this round.

Im on 150 today can i get to 300 ?

You should be able to…

You get one extra fight every 40 mins… You need to win 30 fights in total, which at best is 20 hrs.  We have 58 hrs left, so should be absolutely fine provided you have a decent set up…

Funnily enough since I dropped the sleep team I’ve surged to beyond 200 now. My opening line is now 3* one-on-one, 5* survivor/DD, 4* protector and 4* dreamhunt/give turner. Skip, protect, one-on-one. They then hit my protector, I purify, get 1-2 dreamhunts in (depending on protectors and how long it takes them to hit my protector), then wait out the seconds until I get survivor. Effectively Double Survivor with Give Turn, which becomes potential double Desperate Double. I have Halopard and 3* stun Leo at 5 and 6, then a bunch of stunners and a starter to finish. If the DD is still alive when the stunners come in I can just stun and finish with him, otherwise I accelerate my Last Stander and stun.

Doesn’t work every time (5* twinkillers or Galvbane still crush it) and depends on luck with opposition’s sleep all (which naturally get 1-2 per go…) plus hold ground/poison revengers at the end of times (which are rather frequent) but I’m winning maybe 4/5 at the moment.

Should definitely get 220 now, and 250 should be achievable. 300 will depend solely on the legend draft I think…

You’re not supposed to run a pure sleep team. That’s not what we meant when we put emphasis on sleep. The only true sleep setup that can sweep entire teams itself is the set of legends Stormloch, Shadowstalker and Goldtail, which will never happen in IC. It’s that people were throwing away the notion that sleep was useful at all in IC, where obviously it plays a big role in your main setup strat. It can only run as part of the main attack, because no current strat in IC is strong enough to sweep through all 10 mons without having the original sweeper die at some point until the legend drafts start coming around.

I say I run a sleep team, but what that really means is:


2* tank

2* sleep bomb

3* stunbomb.

4* dreamhunt/giveturn

2* purifier

2* purify/healer

1* stunbomb

4* timestriker

4* starter.

I was at 141 this morning, 236 now and have only lost 3 battles (1 from sleep spam, one from an accidental run, and one where I got crushed).