I can’t speak for the bitterness part because everyone thinks differently, I wouldn’t care, but then again that’s me personally.
In terms of looking from the whales perspective, whatever was spent, it’s gone anyway, if the game dies tomorrow it’s all gone so we should think in terms of moving forward. Don’t forget that my suggestion means that 1. People don’t actually own any monsters from paid PVP, remember it’s a “separate” section in addition to what we have now. 2. Everyone would benefit from it, like even you guys would be spending much less and have access to everything.
It’s hard to say anything without knowing the numbers. If the game makes 100k a month is one thing, if it makes 1 million it’s another. Getting maybe 10k players to pay $10 would be much easier than 100k players.
It’s initially thought as an ADDITIONAL PVP content in case it wasn’t clear enough but given the right financial results maybe it could replace the current system.
more content is nice and all. but it has to be done right.
and from what it looks like it honestly just feels like a desperate gambit to bridge the current gap of players by giving everyone a sandbox option and that just is not right.
like sure sandbox works in singleplayer games to test and play around
it does not work in competive games.
give me the lowdown of your thought process we getting sandbox ranked and reguler ranked depending on how players spend their money? by seperating them? or are everyone getting to test everything for a month and then having to play ranked with only their unevolved wolfrozer because they never tried to play the game?
So, my thought process is starting from the premise that you instantly need to get people engaged to grow your player base.
Right now what happens is that someone joins the game, gets destroyed in PVP by a bunch of mythics and has to make a choice, endure years of grinding (bear in mind the game is already what, 8 years old?) and still always be years behind or spend a fortune. Spending a fortune is for a tiny percentage of players so it doesn’t help much the growing player base part. So either options to me don’t seem attractive enough. I’m not just speaking from my own perspective, I have done my fair share of grinding and I honestly prefer that other people don’t have to go through what I have if it means the game can become more popular.
The sandbox option, in my opinion, is the only true measure of a competitive environment. Everyone is given the same tools. No more excuses “I only lost because I don’t have this or that monster” or they only beat me because they are running mythic spam.
So you DON’T HAVE to join paid PVP, it’s a choice. Maybe a whale would be happy dominating regular free PVP, but people would also be intrigued. “If I have the same monsters, can I beat Janne or Duck and get top 1”. And of course, nothing should stop you from playing both. It’s like, “look, I suck with no monsters, but wait, when I have all the monsters available, I do pretty well”. Can the same person ranks 1 in both? I think it’s all fun and in good spirits.
They could even do like as a Super PVP every few months with that format, so most people can join in and battle it out with the same tools. It doesn’t even need to be every month.
I’ve been playing the game for a year now; it’s been my favorite since I was 7 or 8 years old (I’m currently 15). I’m a free-to-play player and started my account in December. Honestly, if it weren’t for my friends in my clan, I wouldn’t have been able to progress and achieve the results I have today (I have 2 awakened myths: Momo and Vixenblade). There are many players like me who start without anyone to guide them and make mistakes. What we really need is a guild system within the game and to add new events that are simple for novice players to help them level up and farm ingredients easily to upgrade their gems.
On the main topic, I’ll quote myself from earlier this year…
“What the company needs to do is provide more catch-up mechanics for free (and paid) players during their first year of playing. As the years go by these rewards should get larger and larger to help bridge the increasingly large gap. For example, achievements and such that allow them to get some legendaries and awaken a couple of mythics.”
What’s important is these catch-up mechanics should promote engagement with the game so the player gets hooked and sticks around, while also being big enough and achievable that they feel like they’re going to progress fast enough to start competing. If people can feel the improvement then they’re less likely to be put off by all the mythics they meet in PvP.
Exactly, it is necessary that the new player does not feel that he is light years away from other older players, in addition to helping them understand the game, as I said before, it is a complex game and in this sense the clans play a fundamental role, the language is very important