New parameters for the game

Hi fellas

So, right now monster stats are arranged like this (courtesy of C.W. Roseus):

What if there was more to a monster’s stats than that?
What if there were specific resistances to archetypes?

For example:
Stun Resistance reduces the seconds of Stun received by x%.
Poison Resistance reduces the damage of poison tick and the duration of poison status by x%.
Sleep Resistance reduces the chance of being put asleep by enemies by x%
Accuracy reduces the chance of your attacks getting redirected by x%

The value could also be NEGATIVE: in that case, the chance is increased and not reduced.
E.g. negative Sleep Resistance would make you more susceptible to Sleep.

How it would (roughly) look:

This could serve as a way to balance some monsters, by making them more or less resistant to certain archetypes.

Not only that, but it could be used to implement @Randolph’s solution to the Stun problem:

After getting stunned, a monster’s Stun Resistance would go up by an amount proportional to how much it was stunned, continuously increasing until it caps at 100.
Same for Sleep and Poison (resistance to them increasing proportionally to the time the ailment was in effect, immediately after it wears off).

Those values should also have a specific cap: for example, Sleep Resistance shouldn’t be generally higher than 15 (else it would unnecessarily destroy Sleep), while Poison and Stun Resistance could well cap at 50 without any significant problem.

Passive skills like Stun Immunity, Poison Immunity, Sleep Immunity and Focus would still exist: their effect would be to make their respective value become 100.


Overall its a great idea but i fear it could turn the game way too complicated, i saw devs add that exact idea on Jurassic World Alive and the game became a mess , at least for me it become worst on so many levels.
What they could add is a bar with the boosted stats on monsters with buffed passives or skills
Devs need to nerf stun and buff or rework stealth once for all, add more union mosters too


Yeah. The main problem I thought of is making players get used to it, if something similar was to be implemented. Memorize them all would be a chore.
For this reason, I think those resistances would need to be always visible, even in PvP.

Just like how you can see if a monster has Stun Immunity, Insomnia etc, you should be able to see its resistances by, for example, tapping on it.

I’m sure we could get into a heated debate over this, but as far as I am aware, that update was actually pretty positively received by the fans(the rating actually went up on the appstore), and it was actually successful in fixing a stun meta. Overall, I think that the JWA fix only makes this idea stronger

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I hated that update and i stoped playing it after that , i love the game has it is , when things get confuse i lose insterest really fast, if devs implement that they need to do it right

Like I said, they did implement it right. Losing one or two(or like 100) players happens with every update, and you were a big outlier with that update to JWA. I don’t fully support these changes, but bringing up JWA only makes this look like a better idea.

I have to agree with others here… the game doesn’t need extra layers of complication. I’m sure there are other alternatives for fixing archetypes that are simpler

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I think this is great. Also it can tell you when certain effect are about to go away as well so if a monster get put the sleep it will show u how long until it waken up. I like this idea alot