New Mythic Lemon


I think you forgot to mention nerf.

This is clearly more op then bastia, best control monster in the game


op and op and ooooooooooop

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Thank you @Dev_VKC you guys are the best. :kissing_heart:


This… this thing is pretty ridiculous lol like wait whaaaaat???

If there r no poisoned monsters or emergency purify , enter , double dream hunt , potent sleep the Incoming monsters , finish with Slayer bane all … Nasty endgame

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Thats not how you play her,

There are two perfect ways to play this monster.

1- if your opponent has monsters with hg or shield on them, then you hit the jackpot as you will skip behind the monster and wake him up then put him back to sleep. And sleep lock the opponent for the rest of the game as you monsters will wake before your opponent is win from here.

2- if the opponent does not have hg or shields and has a purify next in line, what you can do is wait untill the monsters wake up and slayerbane all. While you regain control and apply shield.

Power will continue to creep because it has to for the game to survive so the gap between p2w and f2p will only continue to grow.

I don’t play the game competitively so it doesn’t faze me non give me my 120 PvP wins, and PvE and I’m good but if I was f2p I would be very nervous about the level of power creep.
I haven’t played the game long but that potting system change was a huge red flag.

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I hope this mythic is broken some how like how Ankoudragon was when he first released. For example imagine if the entrance passive didn’t work.

The irony of the first person (@DonT89) to awaken Lemon discovering that the mythic itself is a lemon might cause me to literally die of laughter. This could be setting up to be the greatest troll in the history of Neo @Dev_VKC :eyes:


For me, the design says it all. Just… It is not horrible from a design point, but it simply does not belong into this game like the others.

Hopefully that gets to turn around but I’m not very sure.


Lmao it only needs to enter the field and you win :joy: well done devs, this is truly the worst release ever.

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This monsters is not as op as it seems people are just quick to judge I think this mosters is okay. Fairy dust seems op but it having double dream hunt means it can’t kill of one monster at a time and sleep lock you, its wlvery slow by the time it gets a turn a lot of tu would have passed also its fairy dusts works after 250 tun making it a endgame monsters (I for one think gazer is still better) also it having sba all makes you choose between control and sweeping. It’s also in the rare egg so it wil take sometimes till someone awekens it sleep hasn’t been that great they are just boosting it so… Relax and see how it really is in pvp before judging it

Whoops my bad it’s not in the rare egg ignore the last part

Did you forget her stats + her shield?

She will sleep lock u team with potent sleep before u can kill her! Then wait 230 TU while u sleep then slayer been all, then automatically and immediatly sleep lock again your team just by her passive…

Really fun, I want her :rofl:

I hope she is the last one of the goddess because the design is so bad.

@LemonSqueezy got a mythic named after him. Soon we will all have near pornographic characters named after us. :grinning::grinning::grinning:


I am wondering if Don Rilla is not named after me now… I am italian, and most famous thing in Italy is mafia… So…


Im pretty sure it’s pasta or this


I wouldn’t be surprised. You’re also an animal (really good) in PVP so the monster seems to match your name and ability in the game :thinking:

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He shares his account so that others play for him


He doesn’t swap accounts on and off to maximize tickets and this season he got top 1.