mythic monster

just what the heck?
why add another monster higher than legendary
all i have in mind is for everyone to spend more gems in this game
why not focus make balanced monsters
idk what to say…

some pictures (final form of mythics)

6f1b433bb618d778dd7120fef764ec17800637e8_1_1035x517 314ec893cf6f71dc02462c1bd31d642180917b62_1_1035x517 Untitledx

not seeing anything strong in them compared to legends

try use him more, with correct setup he is a beast
just waiting for his stats now

would be so happy @Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD if you make our ‘first ones’ mythic.:blush:

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Their movesets are good i think what makes them stronger than legends is high stats

the other one (brown one)
is auto protect mytic and got 1 shot with bane tho

skills of mistletormentneomonsters

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Game is advancing legends ain’t rare anymore it seems these days everyone is running around with 60+ so they adding mythic
I just hope the legends won’t be as expensive in the future

i guess you are right, mistletorment seems not really that strong tho

I feel like there is more to it mythic legends are prob only a little better then legends and there increased stats etc will reflect that let’s just hope they can be balanced enough in future to be sought after but not game breaking

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What if we need to sacrifice legendaries to awaken mythic ones :thinking:

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Mistletorment is just an upgraded Titanomoth without purify

A downgraded lordsreign rather

Woah guys let’s not forget he can HEAL himself i mean thats pretty op for a 200 tu move


after 12 fights against uvetsra waiting for his motor to use double repulse

But I like that ice mythic legend… On it’s own , it’s good but Work around a set up for it, it can be scary …
I think the idea behind mythic is increased stats and a little bit brain to bring out it’s value…

But idk about this mistle guy though…

Yo dude wth is a mythic shard?

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idk about them

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new purchasable items from dev
buy mythic shards for 50$ each to make kuraokami particle effect more visible
you can see ice particle surrounding him right
and when he successfully kill enemy, jingle bell song will be played