New anniversary mons thoughts?

That’s neat, I didn’t pick up on the anagram part. I was saying just trying to sound it out straight through :joy: but the Life/Death mix is pretty cool.

Also idk if anyone has pointed it out yet, but wait till you see some of these light and dark mons accelerated by 25%. That move is going to spark awesome combos

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Yeah we are thinking the same​:smiling_imp::smirk:

Go watch the video I released a few hours ago (in the egg hatching thread), I dive in deep :stuck_out_tongue:

Various people have touched on it, but Luckdragon made a few inaccuracies.

To summarise very quickly:

  • Play with a shadow teammate, then it gets piercing (don’t play with holy)
  • SS is the big thing, only +1 cost and creates permanent dead weight in the enemy team that also disables chrono moves (it has two link holy moves and kinslayer - reason why not to play holy monsters)
  • Yin yang accelerate is incredible for supporting teammates, also making it very deadly against poison
  • Assuming you have piercing, the damage moves are very good and have a lot of targets

It’s nothing too flashy, but looks like it’ll work very well in teams with shadow monsters.

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What did I make an inaccuracy with?

It has time freeze but not gravity field.

The rebirth thing that happens as a revenge adds the monster to the back of the enemy team, so you only get to use yin yang strike once rather than it creating a new target next in line for the move to be used again (although this would be a really neat thing if it worked that way).

Wait, wtf I thought it gave the user a yang. That’s so broken lol


Yeah thats it.
It lock give turn and knockback.
Not to mention the new mythic final bite is doing 12k on maggatsuoh offline chapter final boss.
Kinda guaranteed 1 shoot everything on pve like anesa biweekly or scb.

Thoughts on the 2nd set of new anniversary mons posted here?

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The Legendary is very good if well supported.

The mythic in the right setup is broken, but the downside is that you need to keep your reinforcement number lower than the enemy reinforcement number, so you are pretty much obliged to play her with a lot of token makers.

If in future they will release a mythic that kill the opponent monster and creates a rock at the end of his team is GG.


What happens to new mythics shield if she is poisoned? Or when facing dark gardenfairy?

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Poison and Violets decay wont brake the shield but Satomi’s shieldbreaker works even if the shield don’t activate.


So if enemy team don’t have breaking things, how could this monster get defeated.

You need piercing or sheildbreaker.

I love Rexterminators design. Moveset looks fun, but just the design is awesome. @Dev_VKC we need more designs like this and love designs like this, stop giving us Waifus plz


Yep, the new mythic has an interesting moveset but I won’t go for it because of the awful design. I mean what’s the point? An angel with sneakers, a jacket and a string bra… Wtf is that? Who designs those???


I actually think it looks decent but the moveset is rrally not my thing

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I like the idea of the Armageddon move that can be used after 1000 seconds.

This is sarcasm, right

Kill the monsters around her until she’s left with 0 reinforcements