Nerf jackolene

Remove jackolene stun immune and replace it with immovable, make vineyes have 50% risky heal, and either stun immune or broken heart. Can’t stand how easy it is to stunlock with her


Vineyes getting heal all is a buff for token spam as well as Jackolene

Why? Because they can heal shells? I just think it needs to die 100% of the time


Every token should be like voo


Rhinoel is worse than jackolene imo

I have both btw


Lies. I simply explode the boxchomps to bring four monsters in at the same time and take control. Vineyes are so hard to remove and can be stun locked


rinoel is immovable, it’s not like he can put 9 tokens that don’t even count as tokens and that are extremely difficult to eliminate, it is true that rinoel is an excellent legendsrio but only 2 chests is not a problem so record just detonate them and put them into play any broken combination like gazer

I hate this giant boxes, who got that idea to create them in the first place? Was it VKC?

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fck this jacolene ■■■■ at least is only 2 tokens a mx of 3
this lady girl so called the queen of my fav SE summons 9 of them .
I love vinegazer but i would happily accept a nerf to vineyes

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i literally took Jackolene out of my team this ranked and replaced her with 2nd form Mechydra lmao.

the only time the vineyes didn’t die 1st turn was when i beat Loki playing as DMG Miffhunter. they survived like 3 or 4 risky heals.
also they tend to heal hg monsters as I’m about to kill them.
Boxchomp can kill any monster regardless of defence/camo/shield and therefore rhinoel can potentially get 6 kills doing nothing. more if it can gift exchange (probably why Gary doesn’t like it either lol)

she just needs more chances than to look at the chips (getting my precious wrait out of limitations would also help) on the other hand rinoel is perfectly fine (it’s four that he’s a legendary s+) but his ability can work against him in many games and the luck of the location of the chests I understand that they may think that it is better but it only depends on what affects your team in the worst way

Token monsters require at least Broken Heart (or Stun Immunity).
If possible, Devs should also add Insomnia.

Bronzeshell has Broken Heart and Insomnia.
Voo has Stun Immunity and Sleep Immunity.
Boxjaw and Boxchomp have Broken Heart.
*There is nothing in Moogong. However, this may be left as it is because only one can be given to the opponent.

There used to be a time when Bronzeshell didn’t have a Broken Heart. At that time, if you gave the opponent a Bronze shell first, you could almost win (because you can stun a lot). To change this environment, token monsters now have at least a Broken Heart. I think it is also necessary for Vineyes.


I agree that co. this would avoid stun lock without ruining the monster, seems like a viable option to me

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I love jackolene. Especially when you pull her back and create more lol

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I seriously doubt we are gonna see passives like that any time soon and here is why.

Vineyes are the base form of vinegazer, similar to how nautipods are the base form for nauticruiser.

Since the evolved version of vineyes already has 2 passives namely poison all revenge and insomnia. I find it unlikely those passives such as broken heart will be added unless one of the main passives become broken heart.

It isn’t impossible but vineyes are by their design not token monsters, but base forms of another mon.

To nerf jacolene, you most lower the amount of vineyes created upon entry and remove the ability to abuse her entrance by using substitute or pullback on her.
Her current passives are stun immunity and the vineye entrance passive. Since the passive is so unique it shouldn’t be a huge deal to simply add unmovable to it in its description. 2 vineyes are way more managable already if that is all she makes.

Also would like to add the odds that for all 3 vineyes to die due to risky heal on their first if each get a turn, is 6,4% in the best case scenario.

Increasing the chances to 80% for risky heal is just barely over a 50/50.

Reducing one vineye makes the normal odds of the best case scenario 16% and 50/50 if odds are increased to 70% chance of death.

again i will reiterate my suggestion for Jackolene.

remove her vineye entry. make it her SS. problem solved.


I say leave it as it is

Then jacklone would be useless

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They way I see it, it’s no difference between rhinol and motor. No says anything about them