Need help to floor 60 event

I’m currently on floor 55 but I’m finding it hard to get further so I’m looking for some help :slight_smile: here is my team and my mons: Thanks for all help!

You have elysion the 7 cost holy mon with unwanted friend. Pretty sure that alone could carry you to floor 60

It’s a whole lot easier when you’ve got a strategy figured out. I cleared it easily with this team right here-

Problem is I have so low max cost :frowning:
Lol just got a dusk rider
On 57 now so close! I just need to get lucky with some of the teams

You can do it i believe in you

I’m on floor 59 and I can’t beat it ughhhh

with 2 cost spare, you could totally put in 2 1 cost mons such as a stunner and healer somewhere to improve your chances.

I need some help fast to best it :frowning:

I know, but where can I find moji and stormfox?

Once again, get to work evolving those fellas. Why is it that everyone here always leaves 70% of their monsters half evolved? Just saying, you guys are missing out on a lot of potential. Not sure about moji, I do know that musharoo appears close to Othlon in the central island, he’s almost identical.

I think it’s because people don’t have the necessary ingredients or fruits to finish the training and in some cases you don’t have to evolve certain monsters like Thordragon and archseraph unless you want stealth teammate

I’m working on it, I just bought alot of gems so I can’t train them yet lol, I trained my team though

Thordragon is really good, got him today. PS I got to floor 60 with a new poison team (I had 8 mons in reserve lol) Picture: