[Need Feedback] 2 Things About Current META

Actually i don‘t think that tt or stun has to be changed. There will always be a meta/ certain monsters that can decide a game and if you change it something else will take the place. Only broken strategies such as Oni should be nerfed.

And as it has already been said , we all had hard Times in the beginning but with the legendary Shop new Players can progress faster

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Only if they give more 6 star tix out, otherwise you’d need 3/6 (the first time) or 6/12 tix to buy anything That’s up to a year logging in everyday

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  1. No. Leave TT as it is :disappointed: It’s very easy to stop. Chrono killer’s are everywhere. I ran Mecha midgame last PvP and a lot of players were able to stop it. Please leave it as it is. @Dev_VKC

  2. Unmoveable sounds good for the shockers. Lots of stun converters are available, so running stun is risky. I think unmoveable should do the trick. Although beware that by removing the poison passive, sleep and stun lock will be even more possible. Edit: they should still be able to send themselves back, as per @Unown and @ItsSherlock thoughts. Otherwise they become deadweight


To add another point, for new players, they don’t have a wealth of sweepers, so having TT like Mecha allows them to maximise the potential of one. #leaveTTalone

Of coures it will take some time and Beginners won‘t get additional tickets, if they will be „higher“ Event rewards. But after 6 months they can get goldtail - i needed nearly 2 years

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Wouldn’t even need to be a “higher” reward

On another note, sometimes Mecha survives crazy amounts of damage. If you want to help new players, reduce its defence a bit. Same with Lava. Midas is probably ok as it dies fairly easily

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Think what most people fear with midas is the death revenge


@Dev_VKC @Dev_BRD It’s really good to see how you want to deal with these very powerful things that have been dominant since the start of the game.

I totally agree that both TT and shocking entrance need changing, especially TT. They swing games way too much and it’s just not fun. TT monsters not only let someone kill many monsters in one go, they let the player choose what to kill which can completely disable the enemy team. Top players generally build robust teams that can fight back after a TT but anyone else is ruined. The other issue is Mechaviathan is so common in front lines with protectors. It’s so hard to kill a TT behind a protector before it gets to do its thing… from my experience that’s the main issue the game has with countering TT monsters.

In my opinion, I don’t think TT has a place in this game. It’s simply too powerful if you get to use it. Slayerbane all is powerful, but that brings in four monsters at once and gives the opponent a fighting chance. I reckon all instances of TT should be changed to double give turn. Here are my ideas in bullet points:

  • Remove TT from the game, change the TT legendaries to have RAW double give turn (160TU) and SE’s to have double give turn (200TU).
  • Add condition to all double give turns so they cannot be given a turn, increase use limit to 5 again
  • (Alternative for TT monsters is make TT raw, to deal with the protector issue that stops you from killing them)

Here’s what I would do to the movesets of the TT legendaries…
Actives: Assisted single, RAW double give turn (160TU), 400s megabomb, Slayerbane
Passives: Stun immunity, shield entrance
SS: Swift give turn (70TU), Mecha / Instant accelerate, Lava
(Both are 16 cost)

As for shocking entrance, there are many counters to stun in the game that these aren’t broken. I don’t like the ideas suggested here by the Devs because it would affect PvE too much, where stun is a great strategy to play with for control. However, I completely agree that the power stun has when combined with pull back is too much and creates lots of “feel bad” moments when people have one opening to stun and they get stunned fully out of the game. I also think it’s worth noting that because the standard shockers are so easily obtainable they are used by many and extremely irritating.

What I suggest is the following:

  • Powerful passives like shocking get changed to “[XXX] first entrance”, meaning they only trigger the first time that monster enters the field and won’t need unmovable anymore
  • Sendback -> ultimate sacrifice on standard shockers

These suggestions won’t nerf stun too much, just those standard shockers. It also means people can’t chain stuns together so easily.

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By that logic, would that mean that Midasdragon gets LINK Double Give Turn?


As long as Aegis has GT: PLEASO NO!

Remove TT from the game. It shows more skill and it open up more potential for team building. When it come to shocker, Give it unmovable. Reduce the sec to 120 will buff it


If we are talking about nerfing TT, then let’s nerf Gazer too while we are at it because it’s enterance essentially gives you a team turn > 80% of the time instantly.


You must be talking about shocking entrance here…

With shocking entrance the monsters get several moves EACH before the stunned enemy gets a turn. Talk about choosing what to kill! Allows the user to choose what to kill for the rest of the cursed battle.

Nothing gives control like 4 stunned enemies at high TU. That Combined with pull back ect it’s 100% game over even if the opponent has 30 monsters in reinforcements. Honestly it’s WAY EASIER to recover from TT than being shocked to Oblivion.

I can’t see how or why your main focus was on the weaker move. Honestly I have had no choice but to completely build my team to counter shockers. Otherwise I will have no chance. I’ve NEVER needed to build a team to counter TT. Never! I just deal with it as it comes.

Killerdog c’mon… You’re kidding right? Making this change will literally make TT the most PATHETIC AND USELESS MONSTER IN THIS GAME. You might as well remove it completely like Jamal mentioned…

I think @Dev_VKC suggestion is a reasonable Nerf even though unneeded.

I was thinking the exact same thing. Freaken hell man. I didn’t want to mention gazer because I didn’t want to talk about another monster.

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This is +1 . Remove team turn entirely and give some other move .

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Giving unmovable will make them useless .
I’m not so keen on changing poison revenge though. Dracarosa with it’s stun immunity loves these stunners only cos of their passives.
So I would like the stun seconds to be reduced or make them LINK passives…
DONOT make monsters die over 400 seconds !!
Nonono !

IMO , game has enough monsters to promote link strategies . So why not !

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Retired players have no say :joy:

I totally agree though that if monsters die over 400 seconds it will be one of the worst changes in this game. Will destroy PvE and I don’t want it for PvP either.

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I like the Raw restriction on team turn, i think that would be the perfect nerf. Since TT monsters are generally slow that will give the player a good amount of time to deal with it and there are more than enough counters to ensure that it can be taken out reliably.

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RAW could work as well