
Currently Nebelronix is useless. The dupes have 1 hp and can be easily killed. The only strategy that they were useful for has been nerfed into the ground and doesn’t work. His entire thing is to be annoying and then die. Same with cosmodragon. He needs a buff.

  1. Change create duplicate to blood clone next. This would take him from E to probably A tier. A protector that duplicates itself and when it dies sounds legendary worthy. Then change switch places to pull back and replace protect teammates with protect focus would be awesome.

  2. Give him shield entrance and buff his speed along with making it so that his duplicates don’t have half speed. Then it would be a lot harder to stop the dupe train. Would take him from E to B+.

What do you guys think?

He’s a protector who can create unlimited duplicates that insta-kill on death. He’s absolutely fine.

The previous ‘strategy’ was ridiculously broken.

Some people aren’t happy unless they’re given everything on a plate, it would seem.

No, his entire point right now is to create a duplicate, then die. Tell me how that is worth spending 13 points on in team cost. Plus there is a lot of people who stick auto poisoners at the end so you only get one death revenge. There is a reason that he is rated D in the tier list.

His duplicates come in at 100 seconds until they can move again. They have 16% speed. So he takes 1 monster with him at most and most of the time that monster will be an epic and non cost effective.

The infinite part is completely theoretical because you can break the chain with a single hit.

No but, it would be great because nebel would be at yellow health like wraithcaptain, so i think its good to only give nebel a blood clone.

Give him step back for chaining at least. Switch places would be useless without create duplicate.

My other question is, why does create duplicate take 100 sec when blood clone next is clearly better and it takes only 70 secs.

Create duplicate with 1/4 hp is good buff, im waiting athrasis before this one nerfed, now im aiming polareon :joy:

dont buff him to heaven, he is a bit weak but fine in general

Really think he should get blood clone next and step back. Then he would be basically a reincarnating protector.

He is useless right now he literally has no place in any team.

I dunno about step back. The point of switch places is so that you can bring the latest dupe in if the coast is clear, and continue the chain freely. With step back, he wouldn’t have access to the back of the queue. Although blood clone next would kind of deal with the problem, except that one of your other monsters could die and bring the next dupe in at an inopportune time.

I think Zard is really one of the last persons in this forum you would adress a “Some people aren’t happy unless they’re given everything on a plate, it would seem.” To.

Furthermore it shouldnt be a legends only purpose to be annoying and die so it most likely will kill the protector you’ve put to HG anyway. Look at all these new Legends and their amazing movesets and then look at nebel or Talo. They definitely deserve some love.

If that happens then you can have the first nebel protect teammates so the next one will be able to bloodclone. They would be able to protect each other.

Thank you

Talo is better then nebel at the moment.

He is, but double survivor would be fair in my opinion. But anyway, nebil needs to be buffed, thats a fact, it would even help to increase the duplicates speed and give them 20% health instead of 1HP

Up speed, reduce time for create duplicate, shield entrence, 20% HP?

Still want bloodclone.

Yeah, they should basically give him the doomengine bloodclone skills

With step back.

I dont mind with the switchplace, but just make the duplicate not 1 hp :joy::joy:

With the current meta shift that focusing on blitzturn ans killstreak counter which more pvp side, why not reworking the pve monster ?

So you have two free kills off the bat, and that’s before you take into account the chance of getting off any further duplicates.

He’s fine as he is. He’s a legend protect focus with death revenge. If there’s to be an slight adjustment then at most, a stun absorb passive might aid him. But blood clone would break him.

Not every legend can be amazing.

  1. he does not have protect focus. I proposed giving that to him.

2.In the current meta you get 1 kill, Galvebane will use him for food, and the enemy will actually be ahead despite the death revenge because of a free kill for their sweeper. Why would you put a monster that helps the enemy in your team? Especially when he is a legendary that costs 13 points to put in your team.

  1. Everyone knows what he does, so they will kill him right away. So you will not get extra duplicates. Maybe 1 at most. Anyone that doesn’t know will find out quickly and kill him.

  2. How would blood clone next + step back kill him?

  3. Not every legend has to be amazing, but none should be totally useless so that he would be a liability to put in your team.

  4. Even if you do get duplicate off, all of the other duplicates will be at the end of the team. Unless you have been able to creat 5 dupes uninteruppted, all the nebel dupes will die without death revenge because of a spare ______ all move.

  5. Even the AI knows to kill him/knock him back first thing.

He’s extremely slow, so you can kill him off and he may not even get the kill off DR if it hits something with HG. Worst yet it can activate something stupid like DD or Desp All to move next. Most legends guarantee a kill and easily threaten a second kill.

I most commonly one shot an incoming Nebel with Galvbane before it can ever move because the TU delay of his entrance is the same as an unpotted, unacceleratwd Galvbane Timestrike or bloodcrave.

Talo has utility in accel team and survivor, so they have to kill him eventually and DR kicks in. It’s the same for Nebel, except he dies sooner due to Protect teammates and has garbage attacks. Thus, even worse then Talo/Apollo imo.

Give dupe more hp pls, or reworked targer of death revenge sometimes 2 DR hit only one monst with HG

Giff bloodclone.

Some of you are acting and speculating scenarios as though Nebel is the only one on the field. C’mon guys. 

LOL Let’s give cryokaizer blood clone next too!