Motor Dolph

Only if you think that all legends have to be equally strong which is a claim I don’t support therefore I don’t have to vouch for other old legendaries

Also Motor was gone and out of the meta. He recently made a comeback because of AP Spam and because @Josuinho returned and people saw his motor team which made them think they could use it in the same effective way. Which turned out to be a wrong assumption.

Also I would disagree that he is much of a threat. I think KD gave a very good evaluation of motor recently

Youre acting like the two or five shells motor can give the enemy team is winning you games. Thats definitely not the case in my opinion. Its annoying but you cant stun the shells, you cant sleep them. But the enemy can get rid of them very soon and as KD stated rightfully, if you manage to kill the monster that was supposed to kill motor, you can give the enemy a permanent shell because motor really has not much to offer outside his passive.